Quatre’s Queries



Quatre asks:   Dorothy, why are you’re eyebrows not the same as they use to be?   I had finally got accustomed to the pitchforks.


Dorothy replies:   At first the eyebrows were a fashion statement, I wanted to be different.   Then when I figured out I was different enough without them I started to use them to intimidate Relena.   For some reason she never seemed to notice them.   They were ingenious, don’t you think?   *Dorothy strokes where her eyebrows had been pasted on.*


Quatre asks:   Duo, where do you think Heero hides his gun?


Duo replies:   I think Heero sticks his gun in his hair.   No wait, that’s me.   Maybe he shoves it up his, you know, derriere.   That could be the reason he always acts like he has something shoved up there, ‘cause he does.   *Duo looks incredibly pleased with himself and starts hopping around like he wants to tell everyone.*


Quatre asks:   Why did you follow Heero around during the war, Relena?


Relena replies:    He asked me to bring him clean underwear once a month.   I don’t know what he did when he ran out, but he always got new ones from me.   I think he just wanted to see me.  *Relena smiles and shakes her head in sympathy.*


Quatre asks:   Why do I have to ask these stupid and embarrassing questions?


Relena Fanel replies:   You were the best one I could get to inquire.   Can you imagine Heero asking these question, no he would shoot himself before uttering a word, Trowa would try to sign-language them, Wufei would scoff at them, and Duo would make up his own, more embarrassing questions.  *RF sweatdrops and smiles at Quatre, waiting for him to agree with her.*


Quatre asks:   Dorothy, I hate to ask you this question because I don’t really want to know the answer and to tell you the truth, I believe your answer will scare me, but Duo bet me a chocolate bar I couldn’t.   Why did you stab me?   It wasn’t exactly mandatory for you to cut up my body.


 Dorothy answers:   I wasn’t going to stab you, honestly.   *crosses fingers behind back*  My eyebrow slipped from where it was attached and fell into my eye.  I had a blind spot the size of Sandrock and didn’t see you there.


Quatre asks:   If you need glasses Wufei, then why don’t you ever wear them?


Wufei responds:   Who would ask me such a stupid question?   *squints at Quatre*  Oh, it’s you Quatre.   Glasses are for weaklings, I would never be caught dead wearing them.   My eyes are fine; I do not need glasses.   *turns around and walks in to wall.*


Quatre asks:    Catherine, have you ever missed your target while throwing knives and accidentally hit Trowa?


Catherine replies:   I have never missed my target!    *looks guilty for a moment*   Alright, this one time I was a bit off, I didn’t hit Trowa though.   *mumbles under breath that she hit the ringmaster who was standing across the tent.*


Quatre asks:   Lady Une, how did you always anticipate Treize’s every need?


Lady Une says:    I’m mentally connect to lord Treize.   I can even communicate with him from beyond the grave.   Either that or he isn’t dead.    *smiles wistfully*

Colonel Une says:   *smile turns into a menacing smirk.* Our roses on the lapels of our jackets *pushes rose in Quatre’s face* were really high-tech walkie-talkies.    I could always hear him yelling at me from miles away.   That is how I knew to bring bubble bath, Chinese food, or a cactus home for him.   He was constantly making demands.   I miss him. *grows wistful even in colonel state.*


Quatre asks:








Do you have any questions to suggest Quatre asks someone?   Then email the question and who you want to answer it to me.