By Rev. Kam Khaw Thang

(This article had been written originally in Teddim dialect. it was translated and abbreviated by Sayama Tina Niang Pau, BRE final year student of  Myanmar Institute of Theology, Insein)

It is now 100 years since the arrival of missionaries from American Baptist
Mission at Haka, and on the 26th of March 1999 the Centennial will be celebrated at  Haka,  to remind us of previous decades. I would like to mention briefly the Chin Baptist History in commemoration of the Centennial Celebration. The beginning of the mission headquarters was as  follows.

Haka Headquarter

The first missionaries Rev. and Mrs. Carson arrived at Haka in March 1899. They were succeeded by five other  families as follows:

(1)Rev. and Mrs. Carson arrived in Haka in March 1899 and Rev Carson died on 1st April 1908.
(2)Dr. and Mrs. East arrived in 1902; they were medical missionaries.
(3)Dr. and Mrs. Woodin who were medical missionaries arrived in 1910.
(4)Rev. and Mrs. Strait arrived in 1925.
(5)Rev. and Mrs. Johnson arrived in 1946. They stayed on without taking furlough and could     
     remained longer than others.

Teddim Headquarter

Dr. and Mrs. Cope arrived in Haka in 1908 and moved to Teddim in 1910. Dr. Cope died on 11 June 1938 while on tour and was buried in Haka.
Rev. Nelson arrived in 1939 but returned due to war. He came back in 1946 took leave in I 951 but could not come back.
There was some suggestion of making Falam another mission center and keeping Rev. S.T. Hau Go but it could not   materialize as there never was a foreign missionary there. In due course with the decision of local conventions  Falam   became the center of the Chin Baptist mission headquarters.
From 1899 to 1948 for about 50 years the churches from Teddim, Falam, and Haka considered themselves as one Church, some foreign pastors cal1ed it Chin Hills Baptist Association.
From Satawm convention in March 1948, it was decided that Falam. Teddim and Haka should  become separate bodies The Hakas wanted a high school to be founded at Farrawn with funds from Baptist convention but others could not agree.
When the Haka could not get their wish they began to accuse others out of pride and of owing them money. They
said the Teddims owed Hakas the sum of Rs. 4855-07; the Falams owed than Rs 1961, people concerned did not enjoy Staying on together and decided to  stay separately
Under the circumstances from 1948 Teddim, Falam and Haka founded their own different Associations and they had celebrated their 50th a

They thus began giving the salaries of their own preachers and pastors from their own budget When there is necessity of sending evangelist , to Matupi etc., they have a separate fund
          In 1952 the mission secretary in Rangoon Rev. E.E. Sowards came up to the Hills and attended The Laitui Baptist Convention. Rev. Sowards brought proposals for a Bible School and an Agricultural School, and for amalgamation of all the subdivisional associations. Rev. Hau Go was with the secretary. Agricultural School could not materialize but the Bible School started during the presence of Rev Hau Go in Teddim. in 1953. The Zomi Baptist Convention also was founded in 1953. The Bible School was removed from Teddim to Haka under the management of Rev. Johnson. The Bible School had so many nomenclatures from the start to this date.
1953-1999: From one Association there is now about 20 Associations. Zomi Baptist Convention was formed in 1953. But the name "Zomi" was not popular with the Falam and Haka people, and arguments were made now and then. In 1983 it was decided not to pursue it.
In April 1962 the TBA resigned from Khuasak Convention. The MCC and MBC came up to discuss about it at Teddim and settled to rejoin theZBC.
(i)In April 1987 KVBA resigned again but settled after serious discussion aid      negotiation.

   (ii)In March 1991 KVBA resigned again, but settled.

Piang Thak Vai I 970
          Around 1970 there began serious disagreements about using association money for different purpose. I proposed to the ZBC that those funds for Bible Schools should be paid to Bible Schools and those for buildings should be given for buildings only.
The leaders accepted the idea and it was decided that the former  ZBC fund be used for Administration. and the ZBC Sunday collections and individual gifts be designated as ZBC E&M Fund. Evangelists for HOTKHIATNA became more popular and more funds for that has been received, All ZBC works had been overshadowed by CCOC campaign. At ZBC convention held at Khuasak in April 1995, four Associations name' (TTBA, TBA, KZBA, TVBA) flew away from ZBC MAINLY ON ACCOUNT 0F MONEY MATTERS, not dissimilar to the 1948 separation on account of disagreement   about money matters, as you may remember.

(I) In 1975 although the ZBC ADMINISTRATION fund and ZBC E&M fund was in good order, some of the ZBC leaders wanted to divert the E&M fun to build centennial memorial hall at Haka. But on 30 September 1991 at ZBC E&M Consultation meeting, and ZBC and EC conference, I mentioned that it was not good to use E&M Fund for a building.
(2)I also heard so many disagreements about using E&M fund for another  purpose. etc. Since I was no longer in the
ZBC group from 1980, there would be many important things  which I could not know. Since dissidents expressed their disagreements but the leaders overruled them many times.
Those problems originated in 1995 could not be cleared till 1999 when we are going to celebrate the 100th anniversary. I am satisfied. However that those things that occurred are in the hands of the present ZBC authorities. Review of the past. Although our faith in Christ keep us together problems on money matters divided us many times.
(I) From 1899 to 1948 we were in one association but the break up at Satawm was caused by
    money problems.
     (2) From 1955 to 1995, for over 40 years we could stay in one family but in April 1995 at
         Khuasak, 4 Associations flew away on account of money problems.
If we ponder past experience other matters could be patched up eventually but only money matters were the only stumbling blocks for us.


We thank God that we will be able to celebrate the Chin Evangel Centenary at Haka on March 28, 1999. On the other hand, we are so sorry that the problems arose in 1995 could not be solved properly till 1999 when we celebrate the works of the missionaries in the Chin Hills. We, therefore, should remind ourselves that unity needs a lot of patience and sacrifice especially when we are engaged to deal with dissents and disagreements.

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Updated on 20 June 2003 (Bangkok)