The65thSquare Chess Openings and Variations
Classic Openings - L

Opening Name Variation Date Added
Latvian Gambit 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 f5 26 August 2002
Latvian Gambit Latvian Gambit 3. Bc4 2. Nf3 f5 3. Bc4 26 August 2002
Latvian Gambit Behting Variation 3. Bc4 fxe4 4. Nxe5 Qg5... 26 August 2002
Latvian Gambit Corkscrew Countergambit 3. Bc4 fxe4 4. Nxe5 Nf6 26 August 2002
Latvian Gambit Fraser Defense 3. Nxe5 Nc6 26 August 2002
Latvian Gambit Nimzowitsch Variation 3. Nxe5 Nf6 4. d4 d6... 26 August 2002
Latvian Gambit Polerio Variation 3. Bc4 fxe4 4. Nxe5 d5 26 August 2002
Lemberg Countergambit 1. d4 d5 2. Nc3 Nf6 3. e4 e5 26 August 2002
Lemming Defense 1. e4 Na6 02 September 2002
Leonardis Variation 1. e4 e5 2. d3 02 September 2002
Levitsky Attack 1. d4 d5 2. Bg5 26 August 2002
Lopez Variation 1. e4 e5 2. c3 02 September 2002
Lopez Variation Nordwalder Gambit 2. c3 d5 3. Qh5 Bd6 02 September 2002
Lowe Defense 1. d4 c6 2. c4 d6 26 August 2002
Lundin-Kevitz-Mikenas Defense 1. d4 Nc6 2. c4 e5 3. dxe5 Nxe5 4. Nc3 Nxc4 02 September 2002

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