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The Forsaken of God
2XW Xtreame Tital Holder
The date is May 30th 1970, at 10:01am in New York, New York the wife of Mr. Gerald Brinks, gave birth to a 12 pound baby boy. Two hours later she died and thus begins the story. Gerald was mad with grief and overjoyed with happiness with his new born son. How strange it is to love something that kills your dearest love. He properly nemed the child Baine to match his sorrow. Time went on and the pain dulled and now young Baine has turned ten. Already close to a foot taller than anyone in his school he was taunted and made fun of. His only true friend was a gym teacher named Joe Simms. He saw true potential in the young man and thought to teach Baine the sport of basketball. That is all that he needed to gain some well needed self confidence. He had the height to play like a pro, but he was well underdeveloped in the range of strength. Mr. Simms introduced Baine to his first true love. Weight training. Simms was amazed how quickly he bulked and figured Baine would be the future all star player of the NBA, The next Micheal Jordan. To his dismay Baine lost all intrest in the sport and became obsessed with weight training. Simms, though depressed by the decision still backed him up and helped however he could. For five years Simms helped Baine build and strengthen his body and mind and thought of the money he could make if he kept with this kid and got him interested in football. Baine, one day came in to train nd overheard a conversation Simms and an unknown caller. Baine was infuriated when he heard his "friend" was useing him and did not give a damn for him, just his potential to earn him money. Almost in tears, Baine burst down Simms door and beat him unmercifully. This incident got him expelled and thrown into juvinille hall.  There he stayed for six months, never hearing from his father, before he came home. Now his father asked him what he was doing and why he had disgraced the family with this act of violence. Baine explained the situation and then asked Baine what he wnted to do with his life. Baine simply answered, "I just want to lift weights." Unbeknownst to Baine it was his father Simms talkd to and his father agreed and asked, "Is that all? What do you want to do with your life? You wanna be one of those non educated people that hang out at gyms all day? I will tell you what. I will home school you and IF you do well I will back up your plan no matter how foolish it may seem." Baine agreed, and after two years of doing nothing but study and lift weights Baine got his high school diploma. He now was 17 and his father made good his promise to allow Baine to live out his dream and entered him into the 1987 Mr. Olympia competition. There he competed with Arnold Swartenegger, Lou Feregno and several other world known names. He to the surprise of millions bacame the worlds youngest Mr. Olympia. Baine for the first time in years felt his worth and was happy about himself. His father was relentless when he saw Baine won only by two points. From that point on his father was ruthless with Baine's training. He was now on a seven day fourteen hour a day sceduel. Nothing but eat sleep train. Baine was cronicly in pain 24/7. It was taking a toll on him. He never got to socialize, and in a word he was lonely. He yeared for anothers company. After another year on his 18th birthday, Baine seperated from his father under harsh terms, Three weeks later Baine's father died. After a few years more traveling place to place Baine entered several world contests, Mr. Olympia, Mr. Universe, World strong man competitions and came home each time with a first place win. After over 300+ trophies Baine went again to the Mr. Olympia compititions and there met his future wife Samantha Koontz. After only a few weeks of knowing each other, they were married. The married life was god to Baine he traveled the country and made millions, making movies and winning contest after contest, his wife supporting his every action. One night he came home a week early to surprise Samantha and to his shock and dismay found her in the arms of his best friend Simon Trent. His mental anguish turned into blibd rage and he lashed at them with all the hate and fury of a life time of anger. One minute later both his wife and his ex best friend Simon lie stone dead. The media was in a frenzy over the story and the court was a mockery. After more than a year of court battles Baine was found not guilty on the count of temperary insanity. Baine was released into a mental institude and after six months released. He blamed God for the whole thing, his wife his father, hell his entire life for that matter. He thought of himself as someone forsaken from his eyes. He was not wanted by anyone or anything. He did not care he would hate them all back. He went to the nearest tattoo parlor and had in cryptic lettering the words "Forsaken By God" tattooed on his neck and several other tattoos covering his arms. He was now branded and ready to get ready to hurt the world and the god that had forsaken him. After wandering the USA he met a man named "Billy Kash" a former wrestler from the 2XW, and now president of the company. Aparently he was in need of help in the company and hired Baine on the spot. After he was hired 24 hours later he lost the company to his rival Earnest Runnels. Now Baine was ready to destroy the opposing forces he faced. He would destroy all who faced him and become great once again. After his first night of wrestling Baine became the 2XW Extreame Champion. The first step has been taken, and now to dominate the entire federation.