Newtype Asylum - A smashing website setup by the illustrious Dr. Core and maintained by Nightengale. An excellent combination of extensive mecha profiles from both 0080 and 08MST as well as a long list of model reviews and Gundam news. - An older site that he been around for quite a while, is the watering hole for Gundam fans near and far, young and old. Newtype Asylum was once hosted in its Side 7 directory before it picked up a different host.
Gundam Project - In the wake of some disasterous hosting issues, Gundam Project is no more. What was once the greatest English-language Gundam website has now become little more than a last vestige of its former glory. Although all of Gundam guru Mark Simmons' articles and compendiums are no longer available, check out what remains of the site. Before its shut down, Mark left us with all of the images from his website in cleanly located directories, as a tribute to his loyal fans. I actually borrow some of these for my mechanical profiles, as a testament to how good they are. Just go and take a look.
This is pretty much the new home of those disowned when G-Project's message board shut down. I post there frequently, along with other notables, including Gundam guru Mark Simmons, fanfiction writers extrodinaire Krakenhaus and Zinegata, and technological genius Redcomet. Come by and get to know people.
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