Name: Terry Sanders, Jr
Age: 29
Rank: Sergeant
Organization: Earth Federal Forces
Mobile Weapons:
RGM-79E GM E-Type
RX-79(G) Gundam Ground Type
One of the Federation's early mobile suit aces, Terry Sanders Jr. is a tall, hulking man, not someone you want to get on his bad side. As much as his skill shows, though, Sanders has the misfortune of a superficial jinx on his head: though he continues to rack up kills, all of his comrades and team mates are killed in action on their third mission. To this extent, other Federal soldiers often snicker about him behind his back, giving him the nickname "Death" or "The Reaper", depending on whether or not the viewer is watching this OVA subtitled or dubbed. Anyhow, Sanders appears to be familiar with long-ranged weapons. Often going into combat with a bazooka, 180mm cannon or beam rifle, Sanders once picks off a Zaku with his beam rifle from at least thirty kilometers away. Calm and calculating, Sanders sometimes gets a little crazy in the heat of battle, and the outcome (for the poor Zeons, anyway) is frequently unpleasant.