EPISODE ONE: The War of Two
EPISODE TWO: Gundam in the Jungle
EPISODE THREE: The Time Limit of Their Trust
EPISODE FOUR: The Devil Above Us
EPISODE FIVE: Standby Orders: Violated
EPISODE SIX: Frontline in the Searing Desert
EPISODE EIGHT: Duty and Ideals
EPISODE NINE: The Frontline
EPISODE TEN: Shaking Mountain, Part One
EPISODE ELEVEN: Shaking Mountain, Part Two
Welcome to the Episode Novelizations section of my website! Here you will find novelizations, that is, the events of each episode put into novel-like text, that I myself have written to complement each episode of the OVA. I spent many hard hours on these, so, for your sake and mine, DO NOT COPY THESE ONTO YOUR SITE FOR ANY REASON AT ALL!!!!!!!
Okay, got that? Good! ^_^ I have my ways and if I find these showing up on other people's sites, I will be forced to ruin your website with a stealth virus, so BEWARE! Otherwise, come on in, but be warned, reading the novelizations before seeing the OVA will truly ruin the suprise, so for you own good, if you still haven't watched the episodes, TURN BACK NOW!  Don't let me catch you spoiling the story for yourself, allright? Good!
Thanks for listening and enjoy.
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