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A Little Bit About Us

Update March 13, 2006.

Well Hello Everyone!
So much has changed, that’s what happens when we don’t update this as often as we should. First of all, we moved to Rexburg Idaho. Why you may ask, well I (Kevin) got a job with an old friend of mine Thayne Wheeler at McBride Wheeler Studios in Rexburg. I am a digital artist and do a lot of the retouching and preprinting preparation. It is a lot of fun and it is good to work with such good people we all get along so well at the studio. It is nice to be away from Costco. We are glad to be away from some of the pressures of LA but we miss our family and friends down there. Although our good friends the Mazurans have moved to the Salt Lake Area, so hopefully we will get to see them some. Our move happened very fast (see pictures in the family photos) I said yes and then a few weeks later on Nov 15, 2005 I started work.
Jackie was really fortunate to find a good job also. She is the billing manager for Knight Transportation in Idaho Falls. Knight just bought out Edwards Brothers Trucking.

She is doing well and I think enjoys it though sometimes she seems pretty stressed. I wish though she didn’t have to drive to Idaho Falls yes it is only twenty minutes drive but it is still a good-sized commute. She would have liked to have been working at BYU-I and had interviewed for a position there but it didn’t work out. We are happy and healthy though and that’s what is important.
This past thanksgiving and Christmas were the first we have spent with my family. It was a lot of fun and it was really nice to be with them. It has been nice to seem them more often also. My brother Jeff and his wife Barbara had a little boy in January they named him Karter. It has been weird and at the same time really cool to see Jeff as a dad. My brother-in-law Steve Pederson has been deployed with his Marines to Iraq, I am grateful for soldiers like him who sacrifice to serve our country. Keep him in your prayers.
We have a calling in our ward we are team teaching 7 little boys in the Sunbeams in Primary. We love it so much they are so much fun and it is good to be with Jackie. The boys make me laugh.

Jackie has been doing a lot of photography lately and it is so good. She is very talented. She was fortunate to take some photography classes from Brian McBride (the McBride in McBride Wheeler Studios) she loved the classes and learned a lot. She is getting better and better all the time. Take a minute and view her photos (Jac’s Photos). I was very fortunate to be able to participate in some gallery shows in CA. I hope to be able to participate in some shows up here in this area, most likely Jackson WY. I am looking forward to some great landscape painting in this area also. Mmmm…. Yellowstone. If you’d like to look at my artwork, please visit my website at
We have a little pet project that we both work on. Jackie found the head of a decoy owl in the parking lot of our old apartment, and for quite a while now we have been taking it almost everywhere and taking random pictures of it “doing” weird things it is a lot of fun. Check out Colonel Saunders at
Well that’s it for now. We enjoy the emails you send and hope you all will keep in touch. Jackie keeps a blog, a journal of sorts that you can read by clicking this link, Blog. Talk to you later, Kevin & Jackie Brown

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