#Include ("Create.prg")

*  EC is the enemy ID

*Find a group

      #Random(11, Const!)

*Which Group is it?
#Group! = Constant[Const!]!

*Program to load goes here
*For now we're just going to load the training board
#Send("TrainingRoom.brd", 13, 14, 1)

*Alright now we have the player

*They need to be put down somewhere.. This is a temporary Solution

#While(Place! < EC!)
      #EnemyX[Place!]! = Place!+1
      #EnemyY[Place!]! = 1   
      #Place! = Place! + 1

#If Cursor$ = "DOWN"
	#If Select! ~= 5
#If Cursor$="UP"
	#If Select! ~= 1
#If Cursor$="ENTER"
	#If Select! = 1

    Source: geocities.com/the_dark_hawk