Sum Info on
Mr. Not-So Happy


Name: Mr. Not-So Happy
Age: 120
Location: Uranus

Hobbies: writting, working on this crappy site, listening to music, playing dumb shit on my guitar, pissing ppl off on the trl message board....tho i dont do that much ne more, chattin w/ppl that are actually interesting, drawing sum shit, reading, believe it or not learning

Some of my fav bands: (these r only sum, i have way too many ta list) Jimi Hendrix and the Experience, Tool, NOFX, Stabbing Westward, B.B. King, The Offspring, Smashing Pumpkins, Rage Agaist The Machine, Nirvana, Descendents, etc.

Some cool books: ne thing and everything by Anne Rice rox!!, the hobbit, lord of the rings trilogy, x-men comics (hella yea!), the dune series, n ne book from the dragonlance series iz good too

 else do u expect??  my life story or summin,
fuck off!!!! ugh.....nothing else to read, GO AWAY!   ur not gonna give up r u, jus gonna keep reading n reading n reading.   look, im tellin ya....thers nothing more.....nothin.   yup...still nothin....oh fine! ill tell ya summin, ur damn annoying thats what u r, jus hafta keep readin, oh no can't jus quit like the rest of um, jus gotta read.   i mean, why r u here ne way, u dont care about who i am, chances r u dont even kno y ur on this site.   jus stumbled here by accident, oi vey, i tell ya.


GO AWAY!!!!!

ok, fine, i have a cumulative
2.771 grade point average, there, how's that....good enuf?! u want more, well funk that!

ugh......stop it!!!!!

.....fine fine fine, im a pat
hetic loser, i have no friends, but i pimp every night, ive been laid 300 times just this week.....oh yea...n im a pathalogical liar.

...u kno, i w
as the emperor of china once, no really.

i can
shoot fire outa my ass.....wanna see?!

oh sure, now ya leave,