
Grade: 4th
American name: Izzy Izumi
Japanese name: Izumi Koushirou
Age: 10
School: Odaiba Elementary
Digimon: Pabumon, Motimon, Tentomon, Kabuterimon, MegaKabuterimon (Atlar Kabuterimon)
Crest: Knowledge
Colour: Purple
Japanese Voice Actor: Tenjin Umi
American Voice Actor: Mona Marshall
Koushirou is a computer wiz and spends all his time trying to figure stuff out on his Pineapple laptop. Izzy is adopted and kind of quiet. He is sometimes upset that Tai dosen't let him join in on things. Izzy helps the groupl He plays on the soccer team with Sora and Tai. DIGIMON 02 Grade: 7th Age: 13 School: Odaiba Junior High Japanese Voice Actor: Tenjin Umi American Voice Actor: ?? Koushirou has grown a little, but is still short compared to other kids his age. He still likes computers and often stops by the computer club at the elementary school. Koushirou lives with his adopted parents. Although he used to have a problem about it, he finally hears the truth from them about the adoption and accepts them as his true parents. His dad was a genious like he is. Also. in 02, it is obvious to us that Izzy cuts his hair! He finally took Tentomon's advice ^_^ His last name, Izumi, means "A Spring," and his first name, Koushirou, means "Light Child."