    It was once said by a poet that "the destination is not what is important, it is the journey." Never have truer words ever been uttered.
     What is it about an adventure that spurns the mortal man to reach higher, and strive farther than even he or she deemed possible?  What is it about the struggles of a certain few that grants the power to change the course of history and fate?
     This section explores the nature of adventure, most likely through the context of war.  As it was most intrigingly stated, "It is only through war that the best and the worst of humankind is ever so apparent on one single stage."
A Time for War- by Chemiclord:  Crossover
    A seeming accident is anything but as Heero Yuy is sent across the expanse of dimensions to right serious transgressions in another reality.  However, is he being used as a tool to set things right, or merly as an example of what can go wrong?
    The titles in this and other category sections of this site will occasionally include green words after the title, usually serving as some sort of warnings as to what one can expect in the content of the piece.  Ex.  'Crossover' after a title will suggest that the piece includes one or more title from another series.
     One warning to keep in mind would be if you come across a '
Lemon', meaning the following work is only suitable for people over 17 (or whatever the legal age is where you come from).  Don't say I didn't warn you...
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