The dudes in 2003
The dudes have been around for a fair amount of time. The website came to be after a couple drunken ramblings and ideas from yours truly. . We're all very crazy and into a wide assortment of different and I mean different things. This site is a place for everything we like and also a place to share our knowledge, stories and a great way at gettin our ugly mugs known on the net. Enjoy!
The Weekly Dose
Tons and TONS of new pictures are up all over the site.. have a look around and you'll see what I mean Check out NEW YEARS EVE!

Be warned..the dudes have been out in full force.. I'll have some camping and trip pictures up real quick
How to get ahold of us
The very best Links
The Good ol

Check out who we are:

Mikers The webmaster
Willy  The Pyro
Kyle    Head
Sean  Our Morals advisor
The communist
Ron  The Blog man
Byron Chief of the cherokees
The crazyness:

Camping trips
random pictures
Potato gunning
Other "stuff"
Our cars
The explosives page

Funny Pictures
New years eve 2003

Cruisin around in the back of a pickup at 12:00 on a friday night water ballooning gets you This! $86 fine for all three (no seat belts) and 1 for our driver.. Head... $86 dollars for allowing us to do such things.. This is why we're here. ENTERTAINING THE MASSES!
Some of the lesser seen dudes, Jimmy aka Asia, Fed(the commie) and The big giant head also the ever common Rowdy front and center!
Number of crazy folk who have meandered
through these pages so far
Site work is a bitch to keep track of, so go here and see whats been updated
<---- Check it out, The dudes have graduated, check the link out to see what we look like pimped out and at our best all spiffed up--->CLICK HERE TO ENTER!!!
there is no implied gaurantees or any legalities, if you try something listed here and it faisl, we can't be held liable.. it's your problem not ours. Yes we do a lot of crazy and stupid things and behind the scenes here at the dudes, we do get hurt and we do have accidents so don't be suprised when you do.
Have any ideas for crazy shit we should try or get pictures of??? e-mail us here.

Quick Overhaul of site completed
August 28th 2003