is my blog/art site thing if anyone cares.


Hey, sorry i abanded the site... school is getting bad latley... advice to furture seniors... advanced comp is a bad idea... at least at my school. you all know how bad my gramer is from the site and i was stupid enough to take that class!? oh well. I still Love JTHM... when i get the time i will add to the site... much love to the people who still vist the site.

CRAP! it's been for ever.... dose some one want this site? e-mail me... you can have my scans and crap... I want to give this site to someone who will take care of it better, i'll make a new layout for who ever wants it! Email me if you want the site, or JTHM things for your site what ever...

I added Fan-art and Fan-fics, and a Songs page, of song that remind me of Nny, Devi and Squee, ect.

I had my dates mixed up here... i donno what day it was anymore....
aw well. i added NNY gallery, 2 and 4 today... i thought it WAS the 30th...
i'm just REALLY mixed up and stuff... i'll add a blog soon so i wont rant here to much..

I added 2 more wallpapers, I'm gonna have JTHM 2, and 4 scaned by the 30th, or sooner

I added a You know you have read too much JTHM when section

Hey I thought to make my own layout! I allways liked frames