Due to the technological advances over the past several years, piracy has become a big problem. The battle was helped by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA for short). To sum up the DMCA, items that aid in pirating music (or any other forms of media) are illegal. Since nothing is foolproof, many major music labels have been using copyright protection on new releases for over a year now. The idea is to prevent consumers from using the CD that they PAID for in their own computer, thereby prohibiting illegal (and LEGAL) copying and distribution. But as always, the "bad guys" have found a way around this shield.

A simple magic marker was found to block out the copyright protection. Someone discovered that if you color the edge of the CD with a black marker your computer would be able to read the CD. These are "magic" markers, indeed. As I have always believed with all forms of "hacking," if someone is smart enough to stop a "bad" guy, another bad guy will come along and find a way through. These "bad guys" do not want to use CDs in their computers only for piracy. Some are more comfortable listening to some jazz while typing a paper. Others want to create a back up of their new heavy metal disc, for the unfortunate event that the original gets damaged. Although, these reasons are honest, the DMCA specifically outlaws aiding in pirating music.

Therefore, I believe that everyone should contact their local Congressman to remove magic markers from shelves everywhere. This may sound silly at first, but what good is a law that no one listens to? If a person can pirate music with a marker, where will this bending of laws end? Will the authorities stop caring if alcohol is sold to minors? Will someone be able to search your house without a warrant? I don't think anyone wants to take these chances. Please contact your local officials as soon as possible. - AN

DMCA Online
Magic Markers Indeed

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