Golden Thread
Lift up your head, dear angel, our night is still young
Hold my hand again, dear angel, sing like our hearts had sung
Look into my eyes, dear angel, see what you built in me
Love me still, dear angel, feel what fell free
And when your hands are not around, there will be your memory
A silent singing of our ageless glory
Removing the tears from your eyes
Removing the gasp from your cries
Reach toward your heart; rest your palm on your skin
Feel the beat of my heart in yours growing within
Glide your hands to mine and feel the echo of your love inside
Look at me one last time, dear angel, never let this bond be denied
Weave it between us, dear angel, the strings of our hearts
Let it feed a melody that will join us forever, a melody never to part
OH, and braid it together into a simple story of an eternal friend
Let it bind our book of a devotion that shall never end
Let its’ shiny gleam shine away from the departure the clinging dread
And forever, dear angel, your heart and mine linked with a golden thread