The Ghost From No Where


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The Ghost From No Where came from a rich family. He was an out cast to both his family, and the town, a common black sheep. His dad wanted him to stay in Erie and run the family company, but his one love was wrestling and that was something his dad couldn't understand so he left town when he was 18 and went to Japan, to learn marshall arts, and submission wrestling. For months he studied it, finally he got in a fed called the AJW, All Japan Wrestling, and did pretty good, not getting any titles, but had an impressive 38-5 record. He lost in a loser leaves town match, so from there he left, and went to the Big Apple, New York. He was looking for another fed to join when this guy named Mike Miller, an ex-con, approached him. Mike told him about this underground fed named no holds bar. So the Ghost joined and did terrible, his submission type wrestling didn't help him much as he lost his first six matches, the president said if he lost any more then he would be fired. So with the help of Mike Miller, helped him train for almost ten months training in not how to fight with your mind, but with your fist, the Ghost then returned and went on what was the best streak record ever recorded in the history of no holds bar wrestling, he went along and meet a friend named Shark Tooth, they got the tag titles, the Ghost still one half tag team champ went up against the world champ and won it. The Ghost was fired from the federation after he refused to fight Shark Tooth for the world title, thus he lost, therefore, even after the long streak, the president kept his word and fired him. After that he caught up with a small federation which had been going for a couple of months, which went on to be a big federation. The name of the fed was the ACWO. The Ghost went there and again he didn't do to good his first couple matches, after getting a manager named Resurrection Mary he went on and started to win matches against some of the ACWO's top notch wrestlers, finally just when everything was looking up, he had just got a shot at the TV title his father passed away, even though he didn't get along with his parents, it was still his dad and he almost didn't fight for the title, 'cause he went back to see that everything back in Erie was really messed up, his sisters were fighting and things just kept getting worse, but then he left to goto the PPV, where he would take on StAr for the TV title, the Ghost ended up beating star and getting the title, and held it til the fed closed, the Ghost then handed it over to a guy who was much deservering of it,someone who had been there since the beginning, and who had never had a shoot, after the fight with Star, they became friends, they havne't ever teamed up, but who knows someday they may just. After the ACWO the Ghost went on to become the BBWF two time, first ever world champ, and BBWF first time hardcore champion. After that fed went down the drain he had been in and out of small feds looking for a place to once again make it big. Finally in June of 99' the Ghost From No Where was seen learking around the SWL(Stars Wrestling Limited) shows. While in the SWL the Ghost fought many good fights, losing all but 3 of his 12 matches, and gaining the SWL Quasar Championship title twice, and in the SWL history he was the first to do that with in the two years it had been opened. While in the SWL the Ghost went around looking for other feds, when he found the IWF, in the IWF he became both Euro and US champion. His IWF record is 6-2...Now that the SWL has pretty much fell threw, the Ghost is once more traveling back to a place is was so fond of, the place that made him a star once, the Ghost some how some way has found his way back to the ACWO, the first true good fed, the Ghost is also still in the IWF to this day, and he is waiting to add to his book of history.


The Ghost From No Where is a copyrighted name of the handler. Any use of his name in you RPs with out written consent is strictly prohibited or something like that...Ghost From No Where's Official Web Site Copyright 2000 ©