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The Chameleon
First appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #1

Growing up as a servant to the aristocratic Kravinoff family, Dmitri Smerdyakov believed that he was nothing more than a faceless nobody. That belief led Smerdyakov to become the industrial spy The Chameleon! Possessing the ability to mimic voices, and create lifelike masks the Chameleon first came in contact with Spider-Man as he attempted to take over control of a rocket being piloted by John Jameson. Having his scheme foiled, the Chameleon, then called for his childhood friend Sergei Kravinoff, a man better known as Kraven The Hunter! That encounter was the first of many for Kraven and Spider-Man.

Later in his career the Chameleon attempted to take over control of New York's criminal underworld, and had allied himself with several of Spider-Man's other enemies to eliminate Spider-Man. The Chameleon also improved his imitation ability so that he need not require masks, but his flesh be able take the form of whom ever he chose.

Recently, however, the Chameleon inflicted his greatest blow towards Spider-Man with the so-called return of Richard and Mary Parker, Peter's long thought dead parents, as part of the second Green Goblin's plan to destroy Peter's sanity. Spider-Man defeated the Chameleon which led to the Chameleon's nervous breakdown causing him to once again believe himself to be nothing once again. Recently the Chameleon escaped Ravenscroft, and drugged Spider-Man. He was once again defeated, but was visited by a man resembling Kraven (Who having thought he had defeated Spider-Man once and for all, had committed suicide) who revealed that Smerdyakov was Kraven's brother! He was later shot by the impostor Kraven, who has since been revealed as Alyosha Kravinoff, son to Sergei.

Thought dead, the Chameleon returned having set up an elaborate scheme where he lured Peter Parker to the top of the George Washington Bridge, pretending to have kidnapped Mary Jane. The encounter ended with Chameleon telling Peter he 'loved him'. He and Peter broke out into laughter which ended with the Chameleon jumping to his apparent demise. Smerdyakov is believed dead.

Powers and Abilities: The Chameleon has a device on his belt that carries thousands of faces on file for him to impersonate. He can also mimic any voice.

Animated Appearences:
                              Day of the Chameleon
                              The Insidious Six
                              Battle of the Insidious Six
                              The Man Without Fear
                              The Cat
                              The Black Cat
                              Six Forgotten Warriors, Chapter II: Unclaimed Legacy
                              Six Forgotten Warriors, Chapter III: Secrets of the Six
                              Six Forgotten Warriors, Chapter IV: The Six Fight Again
                              Six Forgotten Warriors, Chapter V: The Price of Heroism



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