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is owned by John Cage.

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First appearance: Web of Spider-Man #15

A hitman with a penchant for gambling, Nicholas Powell earned his moniker of Chance based on his favorite game. In order to recieve payment for his services, Chance bets against his employer, meaning that Chance only gets paid if he succeeds in his task and then it's double the fee. First encountering Spider-Man when he was hired by the Foreigner, Chance, who had just killed Andre Bouillon on Foreigner's behest, wagered his fee for Bouillon's murder that he could take down Spider-Man. During their initial encounter though, the police arrived and Chance fled before defeating Spider-Man. Attacking Spider-Man soon after, Chance was defeated by Spidey and was taken into police costody.

After his release, Chance was hired by a crooked New York official named Robert Phalen to kill Nigel Townes, a man who had witnessed the murder of a city planning board member. Daredevil intervened though and stopped Chance from killing Townes, and Chance later gave up his pursuits, admiring Townes' ability to evade him. Chance was hired next by the anti-symbiote group, the Life Foundation, to steal a shipment of weaponary for the group. Despite the arrival of Spider-Man, Chance made off with the weapons, though he was double crossed by the Life Foundation since they had only contracted Chance to begin with to copy the plans to his wrist blasters and ankle jet-packs. With the timely aid of Spider-Man Chance escaped and destroyed the weapons he had stolen for the Life Foundation.

Chance would next be hired by industrialist and secret criminal financer Justin Hammer, as part of his plot to eliminate several of his rivals in a meta-human tournament called "The Great Game". As one of Hammer's lackeys El Toro Negro, was about to assassinate J. Jonah Jameson (who had secretly been financing Spider-Man), Spider-Man stopped Toro and as Toro was about to be taken off to prison, he was suddenly carried off by Chance. Chance was last seen in Hammer's employ, though he has recently been spotted as a prisoner in Seagate Penitenary, alongside the imprisoned Avenger Hawkeye.

Powers and Abilities: A risk taker, Chance has wrist gauntlet blasters that project a power energy burst and gain hover to an undetermined height with the use of his ankle jets.



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