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Dr. Octopus
First appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #3

See Dr. Octopus' New Look.

As a boy Otto Octavius was constantly picked on as a child. His mother, Mary, told him that by studying he would get ahead in life, while his father, Torbert, told him to 'Toughen-up'. Otto got a scholarship for university, and graduated at the top of his class. However, it was during Otto's first year of university that his father was killed in a construction accident. Otto became a nuclear physicist, and lectured at many colleges. He also fell in love, but at the request of his mother he broke it off. He later learned his mother was dating, and scolded her for making him end his relationship. Mary Octavius had a fatal heart attack that night.

Otto continued to work as an atomic physics researcher, using a set of mechanical arms he had created, to aid him in his work. He was nick named "Dr. Octopus" by co-workers. Through disorientation Otto accidentally had missed the warning signs of an accident to come, an accident that drove him insane, grafted the mechanical arms to his spine, and led to the creation of an actual Dr. Octopus! Dr. Octopus went on a rampage holding people at the hospital he was placed in hostage. Spider-Man saved them and Dr. Octopus stood trial. A year later he was released, and became involved with gangster Blackie Glaxton. Dr. Octopus was caught by Spider-Man again, and he stood trial once more, and received a longer sentence.

Dr. Octopus went by many aliases in his career in order to hide his identity, like the "Master Planner", he over came his acute fear of spider's and had a brief lapse of temporary insanity. Most recently however, Dr. Octopus was also the man who saved Spider-Man's life when it seemed like no one else would be able to. Poisoned by the rejuvenated Vulture, Dr. Octopus saved Spider-Man's life so that he would be the one who would be Spider-Man's destroyer. It was shortly after that Octavius was brutally murdered by the Spider-Clone Kaine.

A while after, a protégé of Dr. Octopus', Carolyn Trainer, donned a pair of mechanical arms and took up Octavius' legacy. Dr. Octopus 2 fought Spider-Man several times, but returned into the limelight when she learned that Octavius' corpse had been stolen by the mercenary group The Hand. Hired by The Rose, Octavius was brought back to life with his lover at the time of his death, the virtual construct Stunner, taking his place. Octavius swore revenge when he found out that Stunner's alter ego Angelina Brancale had nearly been killed during the process of his resurrection.

Curiously, Dr. Octopus has yet to follow up directly on his threats towards Spider-Man, but has nonetheless been busy, being the driving force behind such things has the creation of the new, evil Spider-Woman, and formed an allience for a brief period with the late Senator Stewart Ward. Doc Ock also had to contend with a former lab assistent Chistina Carr, who had been granted super powers from a freak accident years earlier, and wanted revenge on Dr. Octopus and Dr. Twaki, the head of the company that funded the experiment. Dr. Octopus laid low after the Christina Carr/Captain Power ordeal, and the business with Ward, and has since assumed a subordinate position to the revenge crazed Spider-foe, Fusion. However Ock's placement as lackey to the reality altering mutant was a ruse, and he killed Fusion once he had outlived his usefulness to Octavius.

Powers and Abilities: Dr. Octopus processes a genius level intelligence and four mechanical arms grafted to his back, each of which can be controlled by his mind.

Animated Appearences:
                              Armed and Dangerous
                              The Insidious Six
                              Battle of the Insidious Six
                              Make a Wish
                              Attack of the Octo-Bot
                              The Cat
                              The Black Cat
                              Six Forgotten Warriors, Chapter II: Unclaimed Legacy
                              Six Forgotten Warriors, Chapter III: Secrets of the Six
                              Six Forgotten Warriors, Chapter IV: The Six Fight Again
                              Six Forgotten Warriors, Chapter V: The Price of Heroism
                              Secret Wars, Chapter I: Arrival
                              Secret Wars, Chapter II: The Gauntlet of the Red Skull
                              Secret Wars, Chapter III: Doom



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