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Dr. Octopus II
First appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #406

Carolyn Trainer, daughter of Steward Trainer the man whom befriended the Spider-Clone during his wandering of America, took on the mantle left by Otto Octavius following his demise. A protégé of Octavius, Trainer first began attacking her father for the way he neglected her during her childhood, and to harness the elder Trainer's virtual reality technology. Being foiled many times by both Peter Parker and Ben Reilly during their tenures as Spider-Man caused Dr. Octopus 2 to go into hiding.

She later resurfaced after learning that Octavius had been lifted from his grave. Dr. Octopus then met up with Octavius lover at the time of his death, Stunner, and they later met up with the Rose, who had ordered Octavius' resurrection. Currently Trainer gave up her mechanical arms following Octavius return and she and the original Dr. Octopus are plotting Spider-Man's destruction.

Carolyn Trainer's current status is not known, as although the first Dr. Octopus has returned quite a bit lately, she has not, nor has there been any mention of her.

Powers and Abilities: Carolyn Trainer is extremely intelligent and is the leader of The Octopus Gang. She also has a set of detachable mechanical arms.



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