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Fusion II
First appearance: Peter Parker: Spider-Man V.2 #30

Born a mutant with the ability to alter perseptions of reality, the man known as Fusion assumed his alter-ego when his son Francis tried to copy Spider-Man's webslinging and ended up falling to his untimely death. Having researched a great number of super heroes and villains, Fusion went on a rampage at a bank, and assuming the identity of Spider-Man let off a bomb that killed three hundred people. Spider-Man went on to track down Fusion who used his reality altering powers to convince Spidey that his neck had been broken. After an internal struggle, Spidey broke free of Fusion's persuasions and went up against his foe, who fled and with the use of his powers managed to get away. His deep-rooted hatred towards Spidey though should mean Fusion will return, most likely when least expected, as it goes. Fusion also appears to have gone insane following the accidental death of his son, but as Spidey commented, if it wasn't his son, Fusion would have found another reason to go over the edge.

Fusion soon returned, with longtime Spidey enemy Dr. Octopus has his lackey, with a plant to get revenge through a plan involving artificial limbs, and a congressman. Fusion treated Ock cruely, believing him to be his subordinate, but when the oportunity arose, Ock turned on Fusion, brutally beating him, and leaving his mangled body for Spider-Man to find. Fusion was taken to hospital, where he likely remains.

Powers and Abilities: Fusion has the mutant power to alter perseptions and convince people to unwittingly do his bidding. Fusion is extremely dangerous and insane.



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