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is owned by John Cage.

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First appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #110

Born with elongated monkey features, Martin Blank first set out to be a hero, wanting to actually become Spider-Man's partner, which would have been all well and good if Spidey hadn't laughed in poor Martin's face. Sick and tired at being laughed at Martin, aka The Gibbon, had enough and went on rampage, catching the eye of Kraven the Hunter, who gave Gibbon a serum that enhanced his powers and made him temporarily mad. The Gibbon was defeated by Spider-Man and laid low for the next while to come.

The Gibbon later showed up to get revenge on Spider-Man in the middle of a fight between Spidey and the Beetle, but Gibbon's good side came through and he saved Spidey by punching out the Beetle. Still, Martin wanted revenge for Spidey's ridicule, and years later he and fellow criminal has-beens Grizzly, the Spot and the second Kangaroo formed a group called the Spider-Man revenge squad. That criminal alliance was short lived though as Grizzly and Gibbon turned on the Spot and the Kangaroo and set out as a crime fighting duo. It was after the new dynamic duo defeated the White Rabbit that they were finally given their due treatment when they recieved an offer to have action figures made of themselves.

The Gargantuan Grizzly and Gibbon the boy monkey are currently off making the world a safer place!

Powers and Abilities: The Gibbon has enhanced monkey features and above human strength.



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