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The Hobgoblin II
First appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #244

Last appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #245

A lackey of the original Hobgoblin, Samuel "Lefty" Donovan worked for Roderick Kingsley in his early days as the Hobgoblin and his plans of recreating the Goblin Strength serum for use on himself. Donovan, never the brightest of individuals, was working on perfecting the serum one night, when an explosion similar to the one that granted Norman Osborn his powers occured. Donovan was rescued from the blaze and taken to a New York hospital where he remained for weeks, until he awoke from his comatose state. Feeling the effects of the serum, Donovan sought out the Hobgoblin's suit and finding it in the rubble of the ravaged hideout, put on the suit and became the Hobgoblin. Donovan immediatly went into full on revenge mode and began tearing up Times Sqaure until Spider-Man arrived to confront him. Spidey did and soon dealt with Donovan who he unmasked, but couldn't believe that he was the true Hobgoblin. Donovan tried to explain what had happened, but grew weak. Spider-Man protested that Donovan reveal the identity of the true Hobgoblin, but before he could, Donovan's Goblin glider became active and crashed into the side of a building, taking Donovan's life.

With Donovan's death, the world believed that the Hobgoblin had been killed, but due to Donovan's words Spider-Man knew the real Hobgoblin was out there, waiting to strike. Donovan's death has gone undisputed, and it is assumed that although he did take in a version of the Goblin serum that seemingly grants immortality, Donovan, never the brightest, is suspected to have fumbled in his creation of the serum.

Powers and Abilities: The second Hobgoblin had all of the tools and weapons of the original Hobgoblin, and due to his attempts at recreating the Goblin serum, have powers similar to those of the original Green Goblin.

REFERENCES: Amazing Spider-Man #244-245



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