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First appearance: Web Of Spider-Man #119

Kaine, the original clone of Peter Parker created by Miles Warren to avenge the death of Gwen Stacy, whom Warren blamed on Peter. The clone, however, began deteriorating, and deforming. Warren, who by this point called himself The Jackal, stopped the deteriorating but cast the clone out into the world.

The clone knew of Warren's plan to fool Peter Parker into believing he was a clone, a plan that would later prove to be false, as Norman Osborn had it rigged so that the real Peter would be thought to be the clone, and the clone would be thought to be the real Peter. Kaine thought that the clone was the real Peter and as the clone wandered America, Kaine was tracking him making sure he kept away from Peter in New York.

When the clone, who called himself Ben, returned so did Kaine and he began having visions of Mary Jane's death, at the hands of a mysterious assailant. Kaine then killed the Grim Hunter, son of Kraven the Hunter and Dr. Octopus to prevent Mary-Jane's demise. It was just before his death that Kaine discovered Peter was the killer, in plot by the Jackal to destroy Peter if he ever died.

Peter didn't kill Mary-Jane, and Ben became Spider-Man. Kaine was brought back to life by Jonathan Johnsmeyer, in order to be his fighter in the Great Game. Kaine left and began changing immensely recently. After a confrontation with Ben, Kaine gave himself up for imprisonment at the Vault. He attempted to escape in a false breakout caused by The Thunderbolts!

Powers and Abilities: Kaine has Peter's spider powers exemplified. His Spider-Sense allows him to see into the future, and his ability to stick to walls allows him to pull over buildings whole.



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