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Webspinners: Tales Of Spider-Man #1 (November 1998)
John Marc DeMatteis, Michael Zulli

Webspinners #1 the plot: Beginning at the end of the fight between Spider-Man and A Guy Named Joe (Circa ASM #38), Spidey returns home to see that he was blamed for Joe's rampage. Meanwhile Quentin Beck (A.K.A Mysterio), recalls his past, and his troubled childhood and runs into his old friend Betsy Schneider. After Peter and Beck run into each other at a theatre, the two don the suits of their alter-egos, and Mysterio kidnaps J. Jonah Jameson, faking Jameson's death.

the review: First off I'll say that DeMatteis is one of the most under appreciated writers out there today, and his Spider-Work always shines. This is book no exception to that rule. Not only does it give you some fleshing out for Mysterio (My fav Spidey villain), but all of the characters, well, are in character at their best. DeMatteis' Jameson could run circles around the thing they're passing off as him the the current Spidey books.

My only quam lies in Zulli's art. I really tried to like it, but it didn't reall fit the book. I've always felt that DeMatteis scripts are best done by a cleaner artist. Zulli's art appears sketchy at times, and that could be a turn off to some. My brother wouldn't even fish through the book. While I think Zulli's a good artist, he's more fit for more "Vertigo" style books. Check out DeMatteis and Zulli's Longshot book. It's pretty good.

Also the ten page back up story is exceptional on the parts of it's creators. John Romita Sr. is one of Spider-Man's definitive artists, and to have him be the artist to illustrate Peter and Gwen's last date makes is just....Wow. Once again I must sing praises for DeMatteis' work in this issue as a whole, and his work on the back up story makes me wish that "Untold Tales Of Spider-Man" could have continued under DeMatteis' pen.

DeMatteis always brightens up anything he writes. He alone makes this worth the price. Zulli does a good job, except the sketchy nature of his art is destracting and at times uneven. Romita is all aces in the back up story. *** Out Of ****.

continued in Webspinners: Tales of Spider-Man #2



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