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Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #5 (June 2001)
Bendis Allred

Team-Up #5 Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #4 synopsis

the plot: As Iron Man recharges his armor to defeat the Mandroids sent to retrieve him and take his armor, his origin is recounted. The story of how Tony Stark and his cousin Morgan were taken prisoner in a Guatemalan prison, and how Tony was forced at gun point to hand over his creations. Denying any offers, Morgan is gunned down, and in order to spare any more bloodshed, Tony goes to work, despite a crippling brain tumor. Tony is luckily able to rig an experimental repulsor ray to take out the guards and free the prisoners. Meanwhile, currently, Peter has put on his Spidey suit and with the recharged Iron Man, he takes down the Mandroids. Later though, Mr. Golog meets with a shadowy, cigar smoking man about his failure to get the IronTech technology. The man in question is Colonel Nick Fury, who sends Golog on his way and prepares to talk to the President on the telephone.

the review: I don't know. This issue left me a little empty, compared to the last one. It was a decent follow up though, and compared to lasts month's issue it didn't seem on par. It was a vast improvement though over issue three, the second part of the Hulk story, which was just a non-stop fight. There was a fight in this issue between the Mandroids and Spider-Man and Iron Man, but it was balanced by a more detailed version of Iron Man's origin. So, as a follow up it wasn't perfect, but it was pretty darn good. And the bit with Nick Fury at the end was down-right spooky. Ultimate Team-Up #5 was a decent book, and well worth checking out.

Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #5 gets **** out of *****



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