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Venom: Lethal Protector #6 (May 1993)

Venom: Lethal Protector #6 review by justin anderson

the plot: Again, this was a reprinted issue included with one of the new Spider-Man Classics toys. Guess which figure it came with?

I'm basically "stuck" with this issue of a multi-part story, but a basic plot round up so far: San Francisco. Businessman Roland Treece is trying to destroy a race of people living under the city, for who knows what? Venom has been hunting him down. The issue opens with Treece's head of security wondering why all of the security guards around the complex are unconscious. One guess. Shooting and running, not even a laser field keeps Venom away. The guy talks, spills that Treece is after a massive amount of gold, buried and lost in the great earthquake of of 1906.

Spider-Man shows up, looking for Venom, Finding him, he barely gets off a punch before Venom wraps him up in a death grip.... to ask for help. Both head off to the demolition site, fight several large robots piloted by Treece's men. A spark sets off some gasoline, literally forcing Venom to send his suit through the flames to grab Treece. The robots smashed and Treece captured, Venom runs while Spidey hands the rest over to the police.

Parker calls Mary Jane at home, while Eddie Brock is accepted into the underground city.

the review: The story is fairly good, but without the other parts, it's bits and pieces with an ending. Of course, we get some fantastic scenes of Venom using his abilities, which he never would again as Carnage would "steal them". These being an ability to form sharp claws and use tendrils. But we can't escape some bad dialogue, though.... first, I know the writers have to throw in occasional introductory bits for new readers, but Spidey thinking to himself when he shows up was SAD! What, can't he remember that he is Peter Parker, Daily Bugle employee? He literally reminds himself. This is a Venom title, and we get somehting cut and pasted from a 1960's issue. And Venom gets his share, at the end, when he promises to be the underground city's "Superman" with some campy "I will protect you" talk.

Keep in mind, this is fairly shortly after Todd McFarlane left Marvel- and he had been Venom's co-creator. What Todd may have intended for Venom is unclear, but Venom turning good may have been a plan, if Spawn is any indication (you know Spawn. The big guy that looks like a black Prowler with Venom details.... yeah, that guy). Of course, it seemed like both sides were taking their chances at face slapping (Venom turning TOO good, Spawn being a recolored Prowler). Some prefer the evil Venom. I prefer the hero, as long as they keep him semi-evil(he breaks necks). Besides, they gave us Carnage to make up for it.

The art is average, failing because Venom and Spidey were drawn so well, everything else is rough.

The cover is also a lie.... it claims a battle between the two, but all we get is a couple of punches, then an alliance. Barely their "greatest" as promised.

I give it a **** of ***** overall.



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