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Spider-Man Classics Series 2:
Classic Spider-Man (2001)

Classic Spidey review by james hanson

the desription: Here is a figure of the original costume that Spider-Man wore that is true to the original costume design of Steve Ditko, small eyes and all. The figure is really articulated--15 points if my count is correct and comes with a stand that is wall-mountable that has a Daily Bugle billboard covered in webbing. It comes with a reprint of the classic Amazng Fantasy #15, the first appearance of web-head.

the review: Hey, give this bad boy to your kids. The articulation and good size make it perfect for kids and the young at heart to play around with. Or, use it as I do, as a statue of Spider-Man that you can mount on your wall. JJJ's Daily Bugle promo makes the figure that much more fun to see on your wall. The figure is detailed and looks absolutely wonderful, although the colors are awfully dark to be "classic" Spidey. My only problem is that Spider-Man is maybe a little too skinny but that point is debatable. This is one of the finest Spider-Man figures I've seen in a while and I'll be waiting for more Spidey figures, hopefully Spider-Man 2099 and Spider-Girl. A must have. Amazing Spider-Man fans probably already have a reprint of Amazing Fantasy 15, it's still a nice addition for those who don't have one and greatfor a new young fan to be introduced to the comics.



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