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Spider-Man: Hobgoblin Lives #3 (January 1997)
Stern Frenz McLeod

Hobgoblin #3 Spider-Man: Hobgoblin Lives #1 synopsis
Spider-Man: Hobgoblin Lives #2 synopsis

the plot: Betty Brant-Leeds conducts a private interview with the original Hobgoblin and his lackey Roderick Kingsley, where the Hobgoblin reveals how he brainwashed a curious Ned Leeds into being one of his pawns, and how he caused Ned's death years ago. An epic battle ensues between Spider-Man and his longtime foe, and the Hobgoblin is unmasked as Kingsley himself, while the man thought to have been Roderick is actually his identical brother Daniel. Kingsley is sent to prison once and for all, and Ned Leed's good name is cleared.



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