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Maximum Carnage: Carnage (1993)

Maximum Carnage review by justin anderson

the desription: Following the release of the Maximum Carnage video game, a short toy line was released to accompany it. Carnage being one of the three included(along with Spider-Man and Venom, both animated series wave 1 toys), but the only "new" one.

the articulation: The neck, shoulders, elbows, hips, waist, and knees bend, for a total of 10 joints.

the design: This toy is significantly different from the Animated Series edition. It stands about 5 1/4" tall, is cast in a brighter red, and the swirl pattern, while similar, is a lot different. The paint scheme is basically "every bit of paint is black", aside from the white eyes. The action feature is retained.

The toy did include the 3 weapon arms, but to get all 3, you had to buy the "triple threat" set of all 3 figures. Otherwise, the single pack and 2-pack versions only included 1 of the 3. Each arm is also slightly different from the Animated series weapons, having different edge details and blending in better when attached. You may want to check which weapon is included if buying online.

This version also came with a plastic Maximum Carnage shirt pin, featuring Carnage and the logo.

the review: In terms of detail, it's far superior to the Animated Series edition. But, the distribution of the weapon arms was kind of lame, if you ask me. ***** out of *****



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