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Spider-Man Team-Up #3 (April 1996)
Jurgens McLeod

Spider-Man Team-Up #3 the plot: Spider-Man sets a prank off on Johnny Storm of the Fantastic Four during a visit on his birthday, and ends up helping out when the Thing is accidently sent to an alternate world by a wizard named Shiva who saw Johnny's video games and assumed them to be reality. While the Thing has to deal with medeval guards and wizards, the FF and Spidey have to deal with Shiva and getting safely into the other world. The Thing is safely rescued and a deal is made with Shiva to set things right, that he'll get Johnny's video game system. Unfortunatly he doesn't realize there aren't plug outlets in his world, and Spidey is forced to put on a tuxedo and give Johnny a birthday cake to make up for his prank earlier.



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