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Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #11 (December 2001)
Bendis Clugston-Major

Team-Up #11 review by stonewall

the plot: It's Senior Skip Day and Peter and the gang decides to go the mall. When they get there, they learn that every other senior in the city had the same idea. As they plan the rest of their day, students from the Xavier Institute are there and thanks to Logan the two parties meet and have an interesting discussion.

the review: For one being anti-Ultimate, I really like this story. I was expecting the first meeting of Spidey and the X-Men to be centered around some big fight. Instead, we have an intellectual discussion on how humans and mutants meet each other. Not only that, both leave without knowing who the other were, expect for Logan who met Spidey a few issues prior

I enjoyed the mangaeqsue artwork in the story. The hovering teardrops and other facial expressions were hilarious. I did like how the centerline focus of the story was the mentality was what it means to be a mutant in a world that fears and hates you. Even though we heard that before, this is the first time to my knowledge that this "tagline" was given a different spin. I believe it was that aspect that won me over. Even though I'm an action buff, this issue is proof that a good comic doesnt have to have climatic battles to be an excellent read.



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