Founded in a moment of intoxicated inspiration in the Dog and Bell* in Deptford, a moment which lasted between 1987 and 1999, The (Insert Name Here) Mummers first appeared to a delighted and bemused public on 30th April 2000 at The Hastings Jack in the Green Festival.

The initial performance took place in the Anchor; a performance made all the more notable for the fact that the discerning majority of the customers were outside watching the Hammersmith Morris at the time. The progress of the play throughout the hostelries of Hastings was particularly memorable for the rapturous applause that greeted the Mummers every time they left a pub and the increasing randomness with which the words were delivered.

The side next appeared in programme for the Saddleworth Rushcart in 2000, which was somewhat embarrassing since they didn't actually turn up for the event.

2001 saw them at Hastings again; a year older, slightly better rehearsed but no more sober. This time however their fame had sped before them and applause started as they entered the pubs (due in part to the presence of the Fowlers Troop who, not having the Deptford Jack in the Green with them, accompanied the Mummers in "Rent An Audience" mode).

Hastings was followed by Saddleworth Rushcart in August and this time they managed to make it. The story that (Insert Name Here) members won the prizes for the Best Singer, Best Musician, Best Clog Dancer, Best Gurner and Best Wrestler turned out to be merely an entry for the Saddleworth Tall Tale Competition.

In September Greenwich was taken by storm, with some help from Blackheath MM, and a sell out tour of Hampstead took place in October, helping Tylers Men and their Tyleroid to ensure that the clocks went back at the right time.

It is suspected that drink was taken on both occasions.

November saw the unleashed upon an unsuspecting horde of Sword and Rapper Dancers, a wanton act carried out by courtesy of Thrales Rapper. It is known that drink was taken.

This was followed by atrocities carried out at the V&A on 25th November, courtesy of Doc Rowe, and then on 9 December a tour with Fowlers Molly in and around Deptford caused yet more liver damage to the participants and managed to frighten the children (there were no horses present)

Mid December saw them at the Court Session Folk Club after which they came to the conclusion they were better performing in Pubs than Clubs!.

St Stephen's day out with Blackheath MM resulted in terminal hangovers, £100 bottled and some nice pictures.

2002 was kicked off at the by now traditional Hastings "Jack in the Green"tour with the by now traditional adoration from their many fans (Sid and doris Bonkers). The year carried on down hill all the way from there.

Highlights of 2002 that can be remembered included a further uninvited visit to Hastings in October, which resulted in a highly embarressing video; serious mumming in Faversham in the face of stiff competition from Thameside Mummers: a visit to CS House with a 24 piece ceilidh band (don't ask) and the release, or escape depending on your point of view, of the Noble Anthony play in November. Banned from performing in their first pub* in December because their gun was too loud, they finished the year with the now traditional Blackheath Tour on St Stephens Day

2003 continued the decline into debauchery. The usual suspects attended Hasting JIG; Noble Anthony retired aged six months; they failed to pull at Saddleworth (again) but did manage a play in just about 2 mins. They got into trouble in places too numerous to mention including the Thrales Rapper Day of Dance and Faversham Hop Festival.

On a more redeeming note, a further one or two members joined the side, one of whom is reputed to know all the words in the right order! St Stephens Day was celebrated with Blackheath MM and one play...in an Irish pub.

2004 and a rehearsal took place! During or after(?) the rehearsal it was agreed (a) that Noble Anthony would be retired (b) that there would do a Robin Hood play (c) that they would celebrate the Birthday of the best known Turk in Christondom on 23rd April. Judging by the hangovers the following day, drink had been taken.

The celebtrations of the feast day of George of Cappadocia commenced in the City of London and terminated in a very nice pub in Hackney, just before the stripper came on. The usual rapturous welcome greeted them in Hastings on 2 May, and again in October, and they even managed to do Saddleworth Rushcart without falling over, too much.

The Tram Tour of Croydon and Mitcham has been erased from the collective memory and is never to be mentioned.

Various 50th birthdays were celebrated to the bemusement of various family guests who weren't quite sure what exactly was going on.

St Stephens day with Blackheath ment a trip to the Irish pub again.

The following day, 27 December 2004, saw the first Traditional Annual "Is today Boxing Day or not?" tour of Carshalton. Audiences were sparse but, with one notable exception, friendly and moderatly interested. The question asked was not satisfactolily answered and they agreed to do the whole thing all over again in 2005.

2005 was a slow year. Hastings in May was missed because most members were off with Fowlers Troop with the Deptford Jack in the Green.

* Yes the same pub!

Forthcoming Events 2005

20th and 21st August, Saddleworth Rush Cart