Christmas 2002

Dear Family and Friends,

It's that time of the year when we get the chance to be in touch with all of our dear friends and family.

The year has been a busy one and full of blessings. Our blessings started at New Year when we celebrated the beginning of the New Year with our parents, brothers, sisters, nephews and nieces. What a celebration it was; New Years Eve at midnight in Nazareth. Fire works lit from every house. It was an amazing show to see the whole city lit up, and to know that everyone, from their own homes and with their own families, were all celebrating together! We could not begin to describe to you the emotions that overwhelmed us to sense that everyone was celebrating together.

Christopher this year completed second grade with an average of 98%. We were so happy and proud of him. He had worked so hard to learn the Arabic language and be able to master all the subjects. In September he started third grade, and this year in addition to the Arabic and English language, he is also learning Hebrew and he thinks it's easy. His favorite subjects are English and Math.
In August, Christopher celebrated his eighth year with a big party inviting many of his friends and cousins. It was an "American" party with lots of games and good food. Everyone had a great time.
In the summer, Christopher and Matthew went to two camps. The first was an Art Camp where they experienced food, music and activities from Lebanon, Greece and China; of course, they worked with many different materials, making art representing those countries. The second camp was swimming. At the beginning, Christopher was nervous, but by the end, he was swimming under water!
In October, Christopher started a Mask acting class, where he learns how to make masks, and using the masks, they learn to act. He likes it so far. He has also started learning Piano with the help of his auntie.


Matthew graduated to Kindergarten, so now he gets to go upstairs to his class and he feels all grown up. In February, Matthew made a friend. Although it took him many months, but now that he has befriended "Wael Karram", they are the best of buddies. They have made plans to be in Elementary school together, high school together, University together, get married together and even grow old together! They are so cute and would do anything for each other.
Matthew celebrated his 5th birthday in June. He had two parties, one at school and one at home. Matthew still favors speaking English over Arabic although he speaks only Arabic at school. He is enjoying kindergarten because sometimes they get homework and he feels like a grown up.
When Matthew attended the swimming camp, he was also nervous at first but later on, I could not believe my eyes when I would see him swimming in the deep end!
As a result of the art camp that he attended, the art teachers recommended that Matthew should take art lessons because he seems to have a gift in that area. Therefore, in September, Matthew started taking art classes, one day a week for one hour and he really enjoys it.
In October, Matthew got dressed up and was the ring bearer at my cousins wedding. He was nervous about the experience, but during the ceremony, he did well!
Matthew still loves his sushi and exotic foods. He does not care much for junk food and treats. He is happier with fruits and vegetables.


Serene, where do I begin???!!! Serene started pre-school in March. The first pre-school she attended, she was miserable and cried the whole time she was there. We tried this for a month, when I decided to change preschools. There she was happier, and what helped was having her cousin with her. It was difficult for her to separate from mum!
Now, she gives me a good bye kiss, wishes me a good day, and off she goes.
Serene turned 3 years old in November. She is still a petite but she feels like a teenager at times. The things that come out of her mouth, constantly blow our mind and make us feel like we've never raised kids before. She is full of energy, she takes it out on her brothers, by jumping on them, bossing them, dictating to them, and it goes on. She is a laugh!
Recently, Serene made a good friend and both of them get along soooo well. I have never seen 3 year olds, get along so well and have so much fun together. Serene's friend happens to be Wael Karram's sister! They will be going to the same school next year and will be in the same class.
Serene also takes art classes with Matthew. She enjoys it and loves to paint most of all.


Habib is doing well. He is still working for the same company but doing much more now including traveling to Europe to visit customers.
He is still enjoying and treasures being so close to family. He is Mr. socialable and everyone in Nazareth knows Habib! Habib has joined the "Sabeel" organization. He works and meets with Christian couples to discuss different social and religious issues. He also helps plan the Sabeel activities and events for the community in Nazareth and surrounding cities. If you would like to know more about Sabeel, please visit their website ( Sabeel is an ecumenical grassroots liberation theology movement among Palestinian Christians. Habib and I are also volunteering our time working with the Holy Family Hospital in Nazareth. We research foundations, write letters and proposals for grants to improve the hospital conditions, and therefore better patient care.

I'm doing well. In March, I was presented with a very good offer to work with a non-profit organization called "Al-Tufula", meaning childhood. This organization works in two areas, Early Childhood Development and Women's empowerment. I do the international fundraising for the organization. A new experience, but I like the people I work with and the position is relaxed. I start at 8 am, after I drop off the kids, and leave at 12:30 pm to pick them up from school. I have the freedom to work from home and the freedom to attend all my kids' field trips. In the beginning, I was very torn about going back to work, but this offer was too good to refuse.

Other excitements for the year include a family trip to the Cypress Island for one week. We all had a great time.
We have been touring Israel. We spent a weekend in Jerusalem and really enjoyed ourselves. We've had picnics near the border of Lebanon, where it really hit us how difficult it was to see the people on the other side of the fence, but you couldn't cross over. The same was true for another weekend, where we were on the border of Syria, it was amazing to see the houses on the other side, and you were separated by a barbwire fence. How we hope and pray for peace!

Our house plans were completed this year, but unfortunately, there has been a delay with the government over signing off some papers and so we are still waiting to get the signature to start building. The house turned out to be bigger than what we thought, and the highlight of the house is the wine cellar that will be built into the hill, because of the slop of the lot. So, we've started our wine collection! There will be a lot of room in the house, so you are all invited to come and visit us once our house is built!

Being home, we are a part of much larger community. As a result, we attended nine weddings and lost the count on the funerals. We celebrated with friends and relatives during the happy times and comforted others during the difficult times. We also had many family visitors, and it was wonderful seeing them all.

To our Muslim friends, we hope you had a great and a happy Ramadan.
To our Jewish friends, we hope you had a great and a happy Hanukah.
To our Christian friends and family, we wish you a Very Merry Christmas.
And to ALL, a Happy New Year filled with blessings and peace!

With all our love
Habib, Gosayna, Christopher, Matthew, Serene and our angle Akram.

P.S. if all goes well, we will be visiting California, July-August of next year and we look forward to seeing you!

Our mailing address is:
P.O. Box 6789
Nazareth, 16483

Our home phone number is: 972-4-646-1275

Our email addresses:
Habib -
Gosayna -
The Karams -