The Creature Connection

Hello, fellow creature.

This page is for those of us creatures who feel the need to reach out a claw... ah... a paw... no... a hand (however decayed it may be) to our fellow travelers down the Darkside path.

Any creature who would like to become a "pen pal" with other creatures here, should drop an e-mail to the critter who caught your eye (or eyes if you have more than one).

Requests to be added to this list of interesting ghouls and guys should be sent to the Mistress of the Morgue. (E-mail addresses only - at this time the Mistress is unwilling to use mailing addresses. Hope you understand.)

Name: Shannon Scott
Age: 15
Fave Wrestler: Undertaker, without a shadow of a doubt, is the best wrestler the world has ever seen.
Other Faves: Everyone!
Appearance: 5'3 & 1/2", brown eyes, black hair, African American
Favorite TV Shows: RAW, Poltergeist: The Legacy, X-Files, Xena, Warrior Princess
Interests: I love to listen to the radio. I love all music except opera and polka. Everything from Will Smith to Godsmack. I love to read trashy novels with happy endings (sometimes I cry at the end).
Favorite Movie: I have no favorites, but I loved all the Aliens and Event Horizon. I also love romantic comedies and dramas.

Name: Lady Ariel
Age: 29
Location: Washington State
My Favorite Wrestler: The Undertaker, but I also like Stone Cold, Sting, and Goldberg, however, the Undertaker will always be my favorite out of all others.
What Occupies My Time: Outside of work, I collect vintage clothing (victorian and edwardian era), I am writing some fan fiction, and hope to soon start my first historical romance novel. I will be patterning my male character after the UT. I am also working on designing my next tattoo. I also enjoy spending time with my family.
What Music Stirs My Soul: I love all kinds of music, I am mainly a metal freak. Metallica, Whitesnake, Kiss, Ozzy. I also love classical music, and some contemporary. I enjoy celtic instrumental music to calm me.
What I Would Like to Do Most: Meet the Undertaker, love myself for who I am, and feel at one with the spirit who guides me.
Message to Others: I feel so welcomed into this group of ladies, I enjoy meeting others and I would love to receive email from other creatures.

Name: Tara Renee
Age: 22 (April 6, 1977)
Location: London (but from Alabama)
Fave Wrestler: Undertaker is always my #1 over everyone else, but I like almost the whole roster
Interests: Ghosts and the paranomal (don't care much about aliens though)
Hobbies: working on my site and newsletter, chatting to people, spending time with my husband, Mark & anything else to waste time :)
Music & Movies: I like just about every kind of music (*almost*), from Rob Zombie to Barry Manilow, so that says alot... tons of favorite movies, I enjoy a good horror from time to time, love comedies and action/cop films.

Note: Feel free to drop me a line anytime. I love to meet new people.

Note from the Mistress: Tara's site is The Ministry.

Name: Joanna
Birthday: September 13, 1973. Thursday night 10:05pm. Darn, not Friday. LOL
Favorite Shows: Anything with Undertaker, Daria, Sightings, New Detectives, Autopsy, among others
Hobbies: I write, I'm not very good at getting thoughts out on paper, though, reading, my iMac, anything with Undertaker is good
Things I want to do before leaving this plane for the next: Meeting UT/Mark
Greatest thrill: Being an auntie two times.

Name: Lady Alexa
Age: 25
Date of birth: 08-17-73
Favorite shows: Raw, any PPV with Undertaker in it, Forever Knight and some others I can't remember right now.
Hobbies: drawing, writing vampire fiction, painting, reading books about vampires and other delightful horrors, and listening to music.
Favorite music: Ozzy, Alice Cooper, Music from the Crow (soundtracks and scores) and Aerosmith. I also love the song Frozen by Madonna. I thought the video to it was great too.
Height: 5'2
Skin color: let's just say I get asked if I ever go out during the day.
Greatest wish: to meet the Undertaker.
Greatest thrill: seeing the Undertaker wrestle live(or dead). Depends on your perspective.
Current project at this time: I am writing a vampire story which I have named 'Blood Knight.' I got the inspiration for my hero of the book from my love for the Undertaker.
Preferred nickname: Call me Lady Alexa.

To the other creatures, I'm out here. Yes, people may stare and call us strange, but we are his own. We are his proud, faithful, and loyal followers. Wear the shirts, play the roles, and don't be ashamed to just say it. We are creatures of the night, and we're proud of it!

Lady Alexa
Reach out to me my dark sisters.

Favourite wrestler - the Undertaker.
Other favourites - Mankind/Dude Love, HHH.
Favourite TV shows - Star Trek, Deep Space Nine; X Files; Xena, Warrior Princess
Favourite Films - Terminator 2; Aliens; Company of Wolves
Favourite Actor - Michael Wincott
Other Interest - the Victorian era
Appearance - I look very Welsh (which sounds more 'romantic' than 5'1" short, dark brown hair and eyes).

The Mistress of the Morgue:
Interests: Music, wrestling, the Undertaker, designing webpages and thinking of new ways to entertain my guests.
Height: 5'8"
Weight: "Think Paul Bearer's daughter, but I'm working on it. I'm working on it."
Eyes: (Two) Pale Blue
Hair: Color varies from black to light coppery-red and I wear it long. Well, I was going to have it cut, but Wrestlebabe wants to slap a spiral perm in it ... Oh, this isn't gonna be good.
Pet Peeve: People who won't take a hint or think that they can change my mind by yelling.

Obviously, you can send whatever you'd like for your "pen pal" listing. A bio, a picture, a poem, a drawing ... whatever.

Hope you enjoy this new addition to the Parlor.
The Mistress thanks Jean for her wonderful idea.
