My name is Wendy and I'm from Ottawa, my user name is usually Wendy in Ottawa...I'm soooo original!!  I've only seen Bruce three times.  There was at the MIR Supershow (part of the Atlantic Scene festival here in Ottawa), the Atlantic Scene Songwriter's Circle and Bruce's show in Wakefield two or three days before the infamous "Blackout".   Those were some of the most amazing shows I have ever seen in my life!  My all time favorite band is Great Big Sea and a close runner up has to be Crush!  As soon as I manage to see Runrig, they'll be a top three!! Ok, they'll be tied because there's no way I could pick a number one!  I'm going to St. John's, Newfoundland in February of 2004 for the East Coast Music Awards.  With any luck Great Big Sea, Crush and Bruce will be there.  I'm counting down the days.  Now all that's left is to and see Runrig.  So much to do, so little time!
Sabine ........ blurb to follow
Celtman  -  blurb to follow
Hello everyone :-) in the chat room I’m The Max, or Hawkwind or Ravain :-) hehehe the latter two being names I write under. In spite of being born on Skye I know little of the place as my parents moved from there to Stirling. This area became my playground from child to teenager and Stirling castle was my backdrop, you can see my old house that I lived in as a child from the castle walls just to the right of the old grave yard as the houses begin, and a single road runs down from the grass bank into the beginning of the town. 

My first meeting of Runrig was in Koln in Germany where I was living at the time, way back a long time ago hehehe I’m trying to remember the year but fail :-) I was out looking for something to do and bought a ticket expecting to hear something like Andy Stewart and some quaint fiddle and accordion band so I was more than surprised when they played up beat things that made me think of home even more, but then I never got back for quite a few years and disappeared round the world to other places the last time saw Runrig was in Birmingham and met up with other fans there, one day Ill meet others I hope, but as I now live in England it will probably be Birmingham or within a short driving distance. My last escapade with the Railway and Hotels in over night stays did not go well hehehe