Other Good Recycling Links

These sites were hard to categorize, so they get their own section. These are more general, but informative and thorough sites devoted to recycling and environmentalism that I've found.

Environmental Protection Agency's site. It's a little biased, but it has good information, plus it's a government site, so it's going to be at least somewhat reliable. For more specific information, check out their FAQ.
Earthday's official website. Has good information, and some up to date articles on recent environmental news. Especially check out their Ecological Footprint Quiz. My ecological footprint was 15 acres. What's yours?
Earth 911's site. This is a general, all purpose recycling and environmental site, and has anything from how to find Recycling and Garbage sites in your area to really boring but somewhat-cool-graphiced games and activities and really dorky songs.
Obviously.com: I've mentioned this elsewhere but here's the main site.
Grassroots Recycling Network has some information on badly packaged items, and has petitions for you to sign.
Sustainable World is the official site for the Idiot's Guide to Saving the Environment. Lots of good stuff here, plus some excerpts from the book.
Throwplace.com is a site with a very interesting goal: use the interenet, as a sort of ebay I guess, to give away things you would otherwise throw away, either to charities or to other people.
Recyclemore.com has some good information, local information, and information about getting involved. Yeah, so it's supposedly only for Contra Costa County but hey, at least it's in California.