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Just A Bit of Pink
By: Katie May
Advice Columns
Popular Issues
    This is the question that every teenager must ask themselves. The answer is, not everyone is having sex. Sex has become a major part of every high school student's life. In most cases it is thought of as "no big deal," and to others it is thought of as sinful.
     Which ever way you may look at sex,  it is a big deal.
     There are many risks involved. Granted, no one likes to look at the negative side of things, but just having sex once can change your life forever. STD's, pregnancy, and even impotancy can result.
     There are no known cure for most sexually transmitted diseases. Over 100,000 people in the world are infected with an STD everyday. Seventy-five percent of those people don't even know they have one. Plus, what teenager is ready for a baby? Even if you use condoms and birth control, there is still a chance.
     Now, most everyone knows about HIV and the effects of STD's, but did you know having an abortion could cause impotancy. Guys, if you get a girl pregnant, abortion will not always get rid of your problems. It could cause future problems. Having this operation could result in your partner never being able to produce a child, and that can be a pretty heavy burden.
     Now, even though we do not see this problems, that does not mean they do not exist, but they can be prevented.
     Abstinence is not always the popular thing to do. On the other hand, neither is having a burning discharge when you pee.      The media is a major player in  demoralizing sex. They use sex to sell their products. In doing so they are saying to youth that sex is the popular thing to do.
     For our generation having sex has become just as important as getting your license at 16. Oddly enough, 16 is the average age people today lose their virginity. It does not have to be that way. There are so many alternatives that work just as well as sex.
     Everyone chooses for themselves. It is up to our generation to be safe and stop the spread of STD's and teen pregnancy. Sex is not worth it. So, just think about what you may be risking before you go and jump in the sack.
Is Everyone Really Doing It?
Everyone is Doing It!
   The problem is it seems that everyone is doing it, so what is the point of preaching abstinence? I think sex is a beatiful thing and should be treated as such. The problem is most teens do not look at it in the same light.
    I am not saying everyone go out and have sex, but if you already know that your abstinent, I am not talking to you. I am talking to all the people who, even after reading why it is bad to have sex, they are just going to laugh and do it anyway. The only way to deal with people like these is not tell them they are bad, or that they are going to die. IT DOES NOT WORK! Take for example the governments new plan to only fund sex education that ONLY teaches abstinence! That is crazy! We need to teach safe sex! "Oh, hey Johnny, I want you to never have sex, or even think about it until your 45!" Impossible! That just makes it more appealing to them!
     If your having sex, there is nothing wrong with you, but the biggest thing you sacrifice is your heart. Seriously. If you do not care about anything else like the chance of an STD, among other things, what happens if you get pregnant, or get someone else pregnant? Are you going to be around? Are you going to keep it? Can you bare to give it up for adoption? Then, it makes sex not that beautiful anymore.
    All high school is sex. You see it everywhere and if you don't your blind, man!!! Just remember, BE CAREFUL. You may not care about STD's or pregnancy now, at some point you probably will. It is (thanks to my mom for this one) a responsibility. You decide for you, and if you like sex, good for you, just watch out for yourself because no one else will.
    Well, I think I am done writing. So, lighten up, buy some condoms, and just enjoy not having to pay for college yet!

You'll probably go, so why not be prepared?
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