Crawl into the cadaver head first, eat your way
through the guts
The pungent smell of decaying innards is
enough to drive you nuts
The spleen of the carcass is oozing from
your mouth
As you chew on the piss filled kidneys
Suck the vomit through intestines, leaving
nothing but bones
Human converted to beast, the perfect killing
Psychotic structure of brain tissue, murder his
only memory
Dependant on death, crushing your head, I'm
addicted to blood
Chew the decay
The weakened man must die, tearing out his
Smashing all the bones, hear his tormenting

Cannibal Corpse - "Mangled"

-The camera fades into the infamous Chapel of Hell. Adorning the Altar, we see the Dark Messiah, already getting down and laying the smack on his opponents, hitting the palm of his left hand with the back of his right. The camera pans to show Nightmare, sitting at a pew, the only person in attendance. Nightmare grins, and we fade in the audio.-

The Dark Messiah: ...and that is why Rune failed as a leader. Aah...we're finally rolling, eh? Enough about Rune then. He's not even in the Fellowship anymore, anyway. Instead, allow me to bring this around to one of the newer Fellowship members Sigil Phoenix. Now, the more I think about him, the more I realize how little I actually know about this man. In fact, the only thing I can outright tell you about this man is that he's an asshole. Now, don't get me wrong...I don't say it like it's a bad thing...sometimes losing your amiable attitude is what it takes to get somewhere in this business. Lie, cheat, steal, my philosophy is if it gets you where you want to be, do it.

The Dark Messiah: Is it possible to take it too far? I don't think so, although some may disagree. You all saw it, I kidnapped a kid, just so I could have some fun with Krow in the ring. You, on the other hand, destroyed a perfectly good motorcycle, just because you didn't like your tag partner. You forget...I was once a biker. Now, you can fuck a man's bitch, slap him in the face, kick him when he's down, spit on all pales in comparison to touching his bike. Culture, it seems has passed you by. Like I said before...sometimes developing an absence of respect for your peers is necessary, but one ALWAYS has to watch their ground, so as not to step on the wrong person's toes. You crossed that line...don't expect ME of all people to hold Nightmare back from seeking retribution.

-The camera swiftly maneuvers from behind the Dark Messiah's head to the location of Nightmare, circling as Nightmare's voice consumes the audio...slightly edited to sound a little dreamlike-

Azazel is our "illustrious leader." He probably figures that Dark Messiah is going to take it easy on them. He will soon find out how wrong he is. Even still Azazel will realize that even if Messiah had a reservation, or doubt in his mind, I would not hold back. Azazel has been so worried about me breaking up the fellowship. That is not what I had in mind. What I had in mind is breaking his "holier than thou" attitude. To prove to him first hand why Messiah knows I would be an asset. However, I will above all prove that no matter who the hell you are, or who you think you are, if you fuck with me you will get the beating of a lifetime.

I mean, all Azazel needed to do was look at my track record. He would see, that all who cross or oppose me, took tremendous beatings at my hands. Then, as I came into the NYSWF, he welcomes me. He welcomes me with a FRICKING CHAIR SHOT. I don't care who he had problems with. He delivered the shot he wanted, on the man he wanted, then turned the chair on me, a man he has never known. That was his mistake. Granted it wasn't a bad welcome. I love everyone’s attempt at causing me pain. However, it was unsubstantiated and therefore there must be retribution. All I needed was an excuse. I tried, oh did I try, when I faced Boden for the rights to face him. I lost a step. I was drugged. The planets were improperly aligned, hell I don't know. I wanted to win, I wanted to strip Azazel of the title. Now I get the same chance. It is a different title, but I finally get what I wanted…Azazel in the ring.

-Nightmare's voice fades out, and the camera slowly turns until you can see the face of the Dark Messiah. As he speaks, the camera zooms in closer, until his upper body consumes the screen.-

The Dark Messiah: Of course, Nightmare, like myself, has one MAIN theme in his mind...that theme is GOLD. We all want a shot. The hard part is getting it, and when you DO get it, you've still got to WIN. Coming off my previous World Title reign, I'm no stranger to gold. However, I WOULD like to frequent it more...if you know what I mean. Now, unlike Nightmare, I don't have qualms with you, Sigel, and I don't want to. However, there IS a title on the whatever I may do is strictly business. In other words...whether I win or lose, this match is just going to blow over in my head...I just hope you can do he same.

You see Azazel's problem is that he has looked at the emotional value. You will not break up the Fellowship. If that is what you are trying to do, I will not let that happen. In not so many words he has an I made you, I can break you attitude. He asks me what I am trying to do, when he needs to answer some questions. Why is he so bent on emotions and feelings? Emotions are overrated. They only serve to cloud judgment and make you weak. Sure he has been champion this and champion that, stealing the spotlight from his own stable mates. Why? So he can gain that high. So he can ride the wave of emotion. The only emotion that matters is hate. Hate can make you strong. Make you do things you never though possible. Than I pose the question does he really care about us, or just using us for his own gain? I can not be used an will not be exploited. He needs to concentrate on what really wins matches, infliction of pain and fear. This Saturday he will get a first class lesson at our hands.

The Dark Messiah: I wouldn't go so far as describing us as "friends," Sigel. In fact, the best way to describe our relationship is minimalist. We are not friends, we are not bitter enemies. We are MERELY stablemates. How often have we sat and conversed? Do we even know each other? we even CARE about each other? Why is this? Oh well...I guess I shouldn't be too concerned about it. All it means to me is just another unfamiliar face across the ring...another unfamiliar skull to shatter. I guess I shouldn't be too concerned about it, but I see, I don't want it to be by mine hand that the Fellowship fall apart. I guess I just don't want the only stable I've ever remotely had the desire to join as an enemy. However, I also want the gold you have around your waist.

Do I sound confused? Maybe...a little. But you see, I'm not going to sugarcoat it, Sigel...I just want to get this over with as soon as possible. I'm giving you two choices...either lay down on the mat for the one-two-three and forfeit the titles to us, or prepare for the worst. Choose the first option, and no tempers will flare, and the Fellowship will survive to see yet another day...choose the second, and possible turmoil will ensue...depending on how we all decide to take it. So for your sake...for the sake of Azazel, for the sake of the Fellowship, I'm begging you...just lay down. Give up, concede. It'll save you from a lot of pain, and me from a lot of muscle strain received from kicking your ass all over the arena.

People always hear me talk about pain. Me inflicting fear and pain, but many look for description. What kind of pain am I going to cause? What kind of fear? Azazel is afraid of the emotional pain of losing, needing the bond of the fellowship to make him feel loved, stroking his ego as his "friends" give him the strength to gain titles. Emotionally now he is scared, since his "friends" are the ones looking to take what has recently boosted his ego, the NYSWF Tag Team Titles. Why are we going to defeat Azazel and Phoenix? Simply, we are not emotional...we are physical. What kind of pain will I cause? I supposed if asked that question, I would have to explain the pain and fear, to Azazel, as being like this:

caul·dron n.

A state or situation of great distress or unrest Almost immediately, people would discount my definition, speaking of witches and black pots. Although, I would show them the definition that comes to my mind and put them under great distress or unrest, there is one that has fallen through the cracks of time. I am a scholar of torture. I learn torture so I can analyze it, thinking of exactly how I could achieve the infliction of this kind of pain through other methods. As such, I came across an old medieval torture called "The Cauldron." Such a fantastic, simplistic method of torture. I can't help but think of the fear that the victim must've felt, being strapped down to a table, stomach exposed. They prayed that death would come quick, but quickly the fear was felt, as a basket of rats was caged between steel bars, the only opening being the one against flesh. I can imagine the sense of calm as everything seemed in control. I can then see the fear as hot coals were brought over. Then the sense of relief that they were not put on the flesh, but on the top of the rat's cage. Imagine the fear building, imagine the excruciating pain, as the rats trying to flee from the hot coals had only one way out of the cage. They only had one route they could choose. That route being through the victim's abdomen. Yet I wonder, exactly how long the helpless soul would live, as they ate their way through. How much pain would he endure. The fear of being devoured already instilled, the fear of death dissipates as you embrace it, praying for it to take you. I wonder if that hapless person lived long enough to see even one rat escape the confines of the cage.

That is the type of fear and pain I will bring to Azazel this Saturday. He will quickly forget the emotional pain. Much like those victims of the Cauldron, he will not realize his pain and fear until it is upon him at UAN. I will bring the pain on slowly and methodically. As he realized what is happening, he will start to sweat and tremble. He will feel a new emotion. One he thinks he hasn't before. Like the rats, he will try and escape the confines of the ring. Like the rats, I will slowly devour him, bringing him excruciating pain and fear. This week, he will learn as his partner has and will again, that he has underestimated me. If I weren't enough to deal with, he will realize what the rest of the NYSWF has realized with Messiah.

-As soon as the voice-over fades out, Nightmare stands up and starts walking up the aisle towards the altar. At the same time, Messiah steps aside and starts towards nightmare. They meet approximately halfway, locking cold, emotionless eyes together. Nightmare is first to break the silence-

Nightmare: What happens to the Fellowship Messiah is out of my hands. You and I have common respect. You and I have a common goal. They have the titles. I never worried about the Fellowship. The Fellowship lost leaders and members and still keeps going. If the Fellowship stays together it does, if it falls apart, let it be. This week it is about our opponents. After the match they can worry about the Fellowship's fate. Rest assured, that long after the Fellowship is gone. Long after the apocalypse. After everything is dead, but the roaches that have lived since the dawn of time, the Unholy Alliance will live on.

The Dark Messiah: Your words ring true, Nightmare. Our paths were destined to cross sooner or later. However, I have to disagree on this one point. I don't care too much about making allies, but I DO care about maintaining the ones I pick up. Much like I understand your point of view, I'm positive you understand mine. Let us not dwell upon this minor difference in opinion, though. We will march into our first GLORIOUS victory and leave with the sweetest prize in the tag team business. Of that, I am certain.

-Nightmare turns his back to Messiah, as Messiah takes a seat. His back is to the altar as we see him looking at a plethora of mirrors. Nightmare tilts up his sunglasses. In the mirror we see demons filling the seats in Messiah's chapel. Amidst the demons we see Messiah, with almost a smirk on his face. Nightmare slides his sunglasses back down and again faces the front.-

Nightmare: When our match was finally booked, I realized that the day of atonement was here. My searching was over. Sigel, I thought long and hard about what exactly it was, I planned to do to our leader in our match. I imagined all the pain I could cause. The greatest thing was, that at the end of the daydream, the outcome was the same. I kept seeing the belts around the waist of Messiah and myself.

Nightmare: You don't need psychics, or quatrains, to have seen this coming. How obvious could it be. From the days in the academy, when Messiah and I had our epic battles, even spilling over into the upper ranks of the NYSWF, it had to be realized. The question had to be posed by you and Azazel. How powerful of a team would it be, for Dark Messiah and Nightmare to join forces? I know that was a thought in Azazel's mind. I know you had to have some thoughts about it Sigel. Dark Messiah and I have known from day one, how explosive our combined talents would be. You must've too. You must've known because you jumped at the chance to be in the Fellowship with Azazel and Messiah. You needed that sense of security. The feeling of knowing that you had someone to rescue you if you needed help. Now you must realize how wrong you were.

*Hmmm...Nightmare looks pretty damn good up there, but I don't know about his leading skills. They certainly aren't up to par to those of someone like, say, myself, or...I dunno, Azazel? Well...I don't know if I want to go that far or not. Azazel is certainly better than that lousy street rat Rune, but I think only one man was meant to lead the Fellowship...and that's ME. I'd march my troops to victory each and every time. I'd rule with an iron fist, and clutch the NYSWF in a stranglehold it would NEVER be able to relinquish! This is one of Azazel's failings...he's too cautious...a tad too timid for my liking. So far, he's only made one bold maneuver, and that was to challenge Rune...something he did out of compassion. His first failure. Any good leader knows that you never...NEVER show compassion for your allies. Now, I'm not saying you should treat them like can HAVE all the compassion in the world. However, you have to at least conceal your true motives. Compassion is weakness...a chink in the armor. As a leader, you have to have the toughest skin of the group. Because if you show off your chinks, THAT'S where your enemies shall attack.*

Nightmare: You remember Sigel? You remember when you had the nerve to hit me with that cane? You must then also remember, the feeling you got when I broke the Singapore cane over your head. The blood dripping down your face. Then you must remember the other beating suffered at my hands in the ring. So then I start to think it was an elaborate plan. You were scared. Tired of taking beatings, at my hands, you joined the Fellowship to get close to Azazel. Not only that, but you wanted to try and learn from my partner. You wanted the secrets of the man I fought many times, yet never defeated. You wanted his protection against me. But you didn't feel quite safe enough. When your insecurities got the better of you, you ran to Azazel and Messiah and had a meeting. You decided you wanted to bring me into the Fellowship, figuring that if I was part of your stable you would be safe. Quickly, you realized how wrong you were.

*Secondly, should an uprising, even one as minor as this occur, you've got to swat the fly where it stand. You've got to laugh in the face of your opposition...literally, and remind them how worthless they are without you. Let them know how maggot-infested their body would completely, abysmally, abdominally, minute pieces of shit they'd be if it weren't for your hand molding them into their current state of perfection. Thus you show the world yet another chink in your're short temper. All someone needs to do is tweak the knobs properly, and you'll dance like a marionette. All in all, it's like baring your throat to a rabid dog. Sooner or later you're just going to get yourself bitten in the jugular. People would even be to embarrassed to help you out, because you ASKED for it to happen. However, I'm not here to play around with semantics...*

Nightmare: Once Dark Messiah was given the okay to bring me in, the true terror began. He and I realized what we knew long ago: It was our destiny. We were destined to become a great tag team. Yet you still felt safe. In our own stable, no one can get me, even Nightmare. You were wrong. I knew you would get the belts. I knew I still had a score to settle with Azazel. I also knew that you would be a portion of what would stand in my way. I have thought long and hard about what my intentions for Azazel are in our match. As a matter of fact, it has plagued my every thought. Do not, however, feel like you can relax. There you go again, thinking you are safe. Thinking that if I am concentrating on Azazel, you do not need to fear me. Well, you know you need to fear Messiah, but you so still need to fear me.

*...instead, I wish to talk about what's going to happen on Up All Night. You will show a third weakness on UAN. What is it, you may ask? Pride. By stepping into the ring, you will let your pride get the best of you. You may realize your failure in accepting this challenge, but your pride will refuse to let you back down, refuse to let you concede...two things I KNOW you wish to do. That's three, Azazel. Three strikes going against you. You know the old saying, right?


Three strikes is more than enough for Nightmare and I to take advantage of when you're facing us. So you've got to think fast. You've got to REPENT! That's right...REPENT. You've got to seek forgiveness for your've got to set all wrong right for the slightest hope in the ring with myself and Nightmare. We're the rabid dogs,'ve tempted us with your neck long enough...beware our fangs.

Nightmare: Azazel may not know what kind of pain to expect, but you sure do. However, I am always looking to exceed one's expectations of me. You have felt a lot of pain in your days fighting me, but when we come face to face again, this Saturday, those days will seemingly become fond memories as you struggle to forget the pain you will be in. How much pain can I put you in? Well let me think of a way to explain this. I have talked about tortures: oral and anal probes, breast rippers and the like, but let's get a little fresher. In my wildest thoughts, I planned to try and equal the pain on Azazel to the Cauldron of medieval days. There was another I had planned for you, but the name escapes me. Simply, much like with the Cauldron, you have rats in a cage. Instead of an opening facing your stomach, there are hungry rats in the cage and an opening that is only big enough to fit over your head. As the rats get hungry, seeing as they aren't fed, they make do with what is available, many times starting with the eyes.

Nightmare: I will start with your eyes Sigel, as your eyes will be opened to the gravity of your situation. You will once again come face to face with what scares you. You will start to become very afraid as I cage you in. I will make all the other times we faced, seem as carefree as a trip to the movies. Unlike at the movies, you and Azazel will not be able to escape after the show. The movie of pain will keep playing over and over, for days and days as you realize the magnitude of the team you helped create. Just when you thought you were confronted with your worst fears, you will see that you fear oh so much more.

-Messiah stands up from his pew, and Nightmare steps away from the altar. The two meet in the middle of the aisle to discuss some strategy as we fade to black.-