Midgard Regime Charter
First - It is understandable that you may not agree on everything in the charter. Everybody has different views and ideas, to solve this we will have votes of several important guild matters as soon as the Guild Fourms are up and running.

Nobody can agree with another person 100% of the time, but only the GM's can physically make the rules for the guild.  As with anything else in The Regime, the rules are subject to change through a popular vote of the guildmembers.  If you don't like how something is happening, bring it to the attention of one of the officers; we will make sure it gets the attention it deserves. You may also email the GM's at
the_midgard_regime@yahoo.com with any suggestions you may have.

Midgard Regime's main purpose:    RvR!!!

We are going to be the strongest, most active, and most deadly RvR guild on this server. We will get so many RvR Points that our enemies will run in fear... and our allies will burn with jealousy...

In order to do this, we will have to support eachother and functon like one.
Including helping out new guild members whether it be by helping them lvl, giving them advice, or giving them money/items. We will respect eachother as realmmates, guildmates, and friends. This will lead us to be the ultimate RvR force!!!

Also, in order to be the best, we encourage all guildmates to be as active as possible as this will gain you lvls, knoweldge, and rank (see rank section for more info). We also encourage all members REGARDLESS OF LEVEL to explore the frontier and participate in battles, this will give you a greater knowedlge and understanding of how RvR works for later on.

These following rules are REQUIRED for players lvl 40 and up

g- The main priorty is to protect Midgard's relics. If The Regime's Keep is under attack we, as a guild, will drop whatever it is that we are doing and report to the Uppland or Yggdra gates immediately as will be directed in guild chat.  If there is a relic raid against Midgard, the same rules will apply.

e- If there is any type of planned raid that has been posted in the fourms we require you to be there if you are online at the time of the battle; after all, we are going to be the biggest RvR realm in the Galahad server.

s- Because RvR is our main concern, any lvling, questing, hunting, tasking, that is going on will be a second priority to RvR battle... Example: There is a guild group hunting in a dungeon. Right in the middle of a fight there is word that a Midgard keep is getting attacked. Everybody drops what they are doing and heads straight to the keep to protect it. (Assuming they are lvl 40+)

Guild Policies:

Other Realm Relations
- Well, all enemies are Kill On Sight. If a guild member is caught feeding information to another realm they will be immediately removed and /appealed. NO QUESTIONS ASKED!!!

Guildmate Relations- Respect ALL guild members. If you are having a problem with another guild member please try to resolve it independently; after all, we are all trying to have fun in this game.. DO NOT discuss your problem in guild chat or with other members which whom it does not concern.  If you cannot resolve your problem between the  parties involved, take the problem to an officer. If it comes to an officer, the officer will take care of the problem however he or she sees fit; this may involve removing one party from the guild.  If you are having a problem with an officer, feel free to talk to either Myself (

Items/ Trades... If there is an item that you are just going to sell please keep it and give it to another guildmate... it may not be good to you, but it could be very useful to another person.

Grouping/ Power lvling... Guildmembers should be left open a spot in a group if possible unless a certian class is vital to the group (like healer, tank, puller, ect...) Power leveling lower guild members is HIGHLY encouraged. (doing this may help you get promoted).