<BGSOUND SRC="little_things.mid" LOOP="INFINITE">

Hello, My name is Hank. This website is ab-

*shoves Hank out of the way*

Don't listen to him, he's stupid. Okay. Now I know what you're thinking. The multi-colored folders?! Why did these dumbasses waste internet space?? Well the answer is simple. It's because we can. The website's free and we can write about the many wonders of paint dryi-

*shoves Angie out of the way*

Angela is a dirty ho, don't get to offended. But really, like she was saying, it's our website, we can do whatever we want with it, so if you don't like it you can KISS MY ASS!!

*poofs Hank to Neverland*

Damn, take some Valium. *grins real big* Anyways, if you haven't been scared away yet and you're still reading, click here.

Thank you and enjoy your stay.


approved by duo!

approved by Quatre!

Of course it's good! Trowa's Quatre-approved too!