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CV / Resume

The Story, Part 2 of 2

Joel Fordham advises that he is going to duck over to AzzieLand and scope out the party the PCs got invites for. He may well then go undercover so tells the PCs to lay low Azziewise until he can get word to them about Harry the Hun. 

Friday nights happy hour is a hopelessly inadequate name for mood of those gathered at the Rainbow connection. The air fairly shimmers with suppressed fear, anger and excitement. The mood is especially mixed around the table at which sit Jimbos crue. Anger at Harries kidnapping, excitement about the tunnel trip and ensuing involvment in much bigger things.

The spark that sets the keg off is the too familiar sound of autoweapon fire closeby followed shortly by final screams. As gangers rush for the doors and soap stars rush for the toilets an impromptu medivac team hauls in some lead marinaded gangmeat. 

A hush falls over those gangers closest to the body and as they part to let you through you see why; it is the mortal meatus of their senoir leiutenent. Rodez the leader turns to you an unspoken appeal for aid in his eyes..... 

wire ribbon

The first of you on the scene is bra Jimbo who bear hugs the youngest ganger to stop him rushing outside into certain death. Stakers quickly picks up on the idea and moves to stop the rest of the gang from rushing the doors. At a word from Rodez the frission eases and he as Stakers move towards the bar, soon to be lead to the backrooms by Silent Bob.

Meanwhile in the main room Mazzy secures the bars front gates and directs the crowd on how to upend the tables to use as hardened shields. 

Mon. Piert shakes his head sadly and prepares to deliver the last rights one more time too many.....as he intones the sacred words he starts to shake slowly at first and then faster at the same time his words seem to fade in and out and every time they come back from further away. Shortly he grabs the body and sparks jump across the studded leather. A larger bolt causes Piert to slump briefly after which he burbles at the air directly above the corpse. Later some swear that the smokey air of the bar seemed to form the ghostly image of a naked boy......but silent Bob's Margarittas have been known to have that effect.

Firebringer soon finds that Bob's backrooms contain more surveillance hardware than most banks. Using it the Trog boyz crude but effective ambush positions are soon spotted. Stakers endless quest for the perfect plan however nearly causes the trog boyz to abandon the scene, Rodez hwoever cuts him short and thanks him for his invaluable advice before directing his troops to take to the roof while the fastest four flank the trogz positions.

Just as the first gangers deploy Piert stumbles to his feet and warns that the trogz have even heavier gear than before claiming this as the word of God above; the gangers advance with caution,

Pierts words are soon prved true as the sounds of Assault rifle fire shreds the remaining silence.

The foreknowledge of ambush is the hammer with which the razzers smash the trogz into street pizza. The closing shots are exchanged under the cover of approaching sirens.

Meanwhile the homeboyz more troubles. Info from Jimbo, Piert and Qwiki strongly implicates the Yakuza in the "local" gang war, especially the presence of the AR in the previous nights shootings, once again raising the stakes. The RazBoyz chuck a fit when this is revealed to them because introducing third parties is against gang "honor". The police react quite differently demanding to know why the PCs are creating rumours of Yak activity, but backing of when the PCs ask for an official investigation into certain local trucking companies (Rivals to Nutri-Vat Shipping, Jimbo's co.). 

The RazBoyz see a "simpler" solution, a preemptive strike/raid on the Trogz HQ while the rest of the gang cause diversions elsewhere. The PCs are drawn into this raid peripherally as support troups, Piert and Hopi to provide first aid etc, Qwiki to communications and matrix overwatch and Jimbo and the others to blocking certain key streets with "crashed" cars and trucks "borrowed" from Jimbos co.

Things start bad and quickly go down hill for our heroes when the Trogz prove to have thick IC and hifi Comm gear. Ricki Spangles then forgets he's not in a Trid this time and eats hot lead, dying a short time later from food poisoning. Despite the tragedy there are some successes hard won. The PCs make a new friend when Catz, a young Razboy saves Piert and Hopi from a mages spell by shielding them. Catz then asks the PCs for two favors in return, 1) not to reveal his Talent to the Gang leaders as he fears unspecified consequences and 2) "call me Jimmy, Catz is just a gang name!. Jimmy in turn is then astounded as seconds later he is shot by a sniper. Despite Hopi declaring him past anything but immediate hospitalisation Piert brings him back from the dead with a prayer and the laying on of hands. Both Jimmy (from outside his body) and Piert later claim to have seen golden beings ministering to Catz broken body. Hopi just thinks its a miracle and adds that they should both detox before any more strenuous exercise. 

During the running firefight, some gangers find and destroy a small computer unknowingly taking out all defensive IC at the Trogz HQ. Qwiki downloads many interesting files in the next few seconds before an orichalcum ninja dumps him and fries half his deck. These files show financial links between several supposedly unrelated trucking companies including shipments addressed to the Trogz HQ. This info alone is enough to convince the 'Star to step in and take over, not to mention the fact that several residents reported large explosions in the area. 

The downward spiral continues when the PCs learn, later that evening , that the lightning police raids on Trogz HQ and several of the related companies turned up exactly nothing, except multiple DNA samples, none of which are useable as links, although some have been matched with known perps, mostly Trogz with recordz. There is enough evidence of a firefight at the HQ to tell the 'Star that the PCs had something real but without any perps to prosecute the case remains open and stalled.

In the ensuing days the characters have many meetings to work out what is going on..........lead into what all this then.(an email probably) 


Created: 1 July, 1997 | Updated: 20 February 2000
© 2000 Skabo