The Peaceful Abode
The Peaceful Abode is a place for those who are seeking peace and serenity.

The services that we provide are Life Coaching, astrological readings, Reiki and Integrated Energy treatments, Meditation circles and spiritual workshops.

Meditation circles: TBD

Reiki Shares will be held the first Saturday of each month 12noon-2pm. $7 donation

Astrological Readings: 40.00
Compatibility Chart:  60.00
Life Coaching Session: 60.00
Reiki/IET Treatment:  40.00

Workshops:   Reiki Level 1: TBD
                         Reiki Level 2: TBD

Hours:  By appointment

Telephone: 315-767-6917
Informational Links:
Angel Reiki
Reiki Flow
Integrated Energy Therapy
Contact us for an appointment
Name: Rosalind Shorter, M.S.
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