The Ragin Cajuns Game page

"Nights is one of those rare games that speaks for itself.... for the first time in years i have sore thumbs from constant play"-.
Anus Swan of mean machines Sega, on NiGHTS , one of my
favourite games

News: 24/08/2000: its the end of the world as we know it........

well ok, its  not quite so dramatic, but the sad fact is the web page known as " the Ragin' Cajuns game page" will as of this time no longer exist.
but hey don't fret or despair its not as if i'm disappearing to the great big recycling bin in the sky, oh no way, no how.
The page will live on at its new found home, the abbey!
yes the same dedicated crew that have brought you this page will be still producing reviews as only they know how, and expect a few new faces aswell.
so there you have it. this page will still remain active , mainly as a testament to the page itself ( see below for the links still available)
and before i sign off and give my full and undivided attention to the abbey, I'd just like to thank a few people
1. all my reviews, general duke, crazy review, the Insaniac, riptide 2000 , Dazilla 2000, CodeLord. without these guys the page would not exist as it does today. cheers guys!
2. The mad nutter. the guy who got me into all this reviewing in the first place. thanks man, your advice and support, mucho appreciated
3. anyone who visited the page, ever! thanks for stopping by be sure to visit us at the new site, the abbey!

ciao ( for the last time)
the Ragin Cajun


news archive  feburary  | march | april may  | june | july 
hot topics      1
profiles          The Ragin' Cajun
The InsaniacGeneral Duke | Crazy Review |
                    Riptide  2000
|Dazilla 2000Codelord