Megakat Diner

Fan Fiction

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Oops. Not too many of the fanfics are "real" fanfics nor are too many of them finished... Oh well. Read them if you want and don't forget to have fun ;-)

Warning: if you read the unfinished fanfics, well at most stories I've written down the beginning AND sketched down the end and/or middle of the story in short.. So if you're the type that doesn't like to have the end spoiled for ya, then don't read the unfinished stories..

Warning #2: the older I get, the more cynical, evil, insane and lame stories I've winded up writing. Just telling ya so that that you won't be too surprised...

--- Fanfics by MKD's webmaster (the_Shadow_003 a.k.a. ts003 a.k.a. Shadow a.k.a. Jamie D.J. Russell)
(Feel free to send comments or flames about the fanfics to

{ SK Dimension #119 series & Misc fanfics & Unfinished stories }

the SK Dimension #119 series
Prolog 9kB Two villans find out about a invention by a (slightly mad) scientist and want to get their paws on it.... .txt-document
Being human, then kat - part 1 24kB  ...a human SWAT Kats fan get's some problems with the TV and suddenly finds herself in the Megakat desert.. .txt-document
Being human, then kat - part 2 3kB now...  ..and is rather annoying for the SWAT Kats... .txt-document

Misc fanfics
Wake Up Call 6 kB Shadow [the author] gets rudely awakened by the two kats which SK consists of. .txt-document
zzz kB zzz .txt-document
zzz kB zzz .txt-document
zzz kB zzz .txt-document
zzz kB zzz .txt-document
zzz kB zzz .txt-document
zzz kB zzz .txt-document

U n f i n i s h e d . . s c r i b b l e s ? ?
A ordinary day in MKC..? 3kB kb Villain trying 2 take over MKC, chemicals and maybe mythological fairytale involved (in the end makes some kats act very differently compared to usual) .txt-document
untitled... 17kB now...  RT comes back to the SK... and with her brother... .txt-document
Where's Johnny...  1kB now... "Johnny Bravo, does not know that he is in "the Zone"... And that he'll end up somewhere very strange..."
inspired by the Twilight Zone spoof episodes in Johnny Bravo.
the SK set 1kB now...  What did ever happen with the actual cast of kats after that the tv-show ended??... Here's a suggestion, or actually more of a bunch of interview where you get accuanted with the kat actors. .txt-document
Weirder things have happened.. right? 3 kB Yet another ordinary day at the junkyard... until Chance finds something very unlikely in the couch... .txt-document
Strange fanfiction day 4kB now... the author sits down to write on a fanfic but.....
 [this story is spoof of an old Darkwing Duck episode]
from the MKD "reality": misc.. 5 kB . . . . ? [uh a spying on a convo some of the old MKD employees had - before they got uh released from their um jobs?] .txt-document
Merry friggin lonely Christmas. 27 kB Life goes on for the SK, but the situation changes drastically as a threat appears.

.txt-document [.html-document]