Almost Famous
It was during the summer of 2001, when I first saw Almost Famous, appropriatly enough in a hotel. I don't think i've ever fallen in love with something so fast.
I could talk about Almost Famous, and more so the Extended Cut,
'Untitled', for hours. The music, the casting, the brilliant performances, but the true basis of the film was its incredible writing, for which earned Cameron Crowe a much, much deserved Academy Award. There's not a lot I can say (or even articulate) here that hasn't already been said by movie reviewers (or within the film itself) on why this movie is so entertaining, memorable, evocative, touching, and in Untitled's case, just... perfect. Therefore i'm gonna let the movie do the talking; below i've taken an extract from the film, an extract that, for me, represents a inspirational truth, a maxim, on finding meaning in life and friendship, and true love, and devotion. Things that were implied in movies like Stand By Me, but never actually said...
          The man himself.
Lester: Oh man... you made friends with them. See friendship is the booze they feed you, they want you to get drunk and feel like you belong.

William: Well it was... fun...

Lester: ...Becuase they made you feel cool, and hey, I met you, and you are not cool

William: I know. Even when I thought I was, I knew I wasn't.

Lester: Because we are uncool; women will always be a problem for guys like like us...
most of the great art in the world is about that very problem,
good looking people, they got no spine, their art never lasts, yeah they get the girls but we're smarter...

William: Yeah... I can really see that now

Lester: Because great art is about guilt and longing, and love disguised as sex, and sex
disguised as love. Lets face it, you got a big headstart

William: I'm glad you were home.

Lester: I'm always home, I'm uncool!

William: Me too.

Lester: Y'know you're doing great, the only true currency in this bankrupt world is what you share with someone when you're uncool.
My advice to you, I know you think these guys are your friends, if you want to be a true friend to them, be honest... and unmerciful