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Update: November 21, 2002 - 7:45 PM (EST)
Okay, after about a month, a little update has been done. The biggest reason for it taking so long was my own procrastination. So now there's about 15 character profiles up. I am on the lookout for any good backgrounds, so if anyone has a suggestion, e-mail me about it, or PM me on the VGMusic Forums about it. Thank Jaimas for most of those character profiles. Hyperion (now known as Draconiatior on the forums) did his own, so there's his due credit. Just a friendly reminder, if you're willing to take blunt rejection, you can do some artwork and have it posted up on the site. If it doesn't suck, that is. Which is what I'll tell you if it does. (Sorry, I just want to make the point clear that I'm not gonna take a piece of shit and call it good work. There are modern art museums for that sort of thing.) I will hopefully get a better banner for the top of the page soon, this one is just something temporary.
E-mail me: the_sorcerer_lives@hotmail.com

Update: October 21, 2002 9:52 PM (EST)
Alright, more news that doesn't matter. My comp has been offline for a while, so there has been no update. Secondly, the few people I asked did really like my new navigation idea, so a new idea is in the making. It will make things much more of a pain in the ass, but should at least allow us to keep using geocities. Although it isn't much, it's one of the best free places around that we can have the site. It will also allow us to keep the "stylish" top navbar. Here's an idea of how it'll be: Each character will get his/her/it's own page, with his/her/it's sprites, potrait, theme, and some info about the person/animal/robot/alien/sentient being/lifeforce/angel. There will be one main section for the villains, and another for our heroes.
E-mail me: the_sorcerer_lives@hotmail.com