
I was browsing DDG for a blog/journal and when I found this one, I just couldn't resist bcuz it's so kawaii!" .


June 29, 2004 -
Yesterday was the first 'official' day of my summer because I had summer school and then I went to camp. I would normally be happy about finnaly having summer break but I have to go back to school in like, a month. *crys* I'm kinda nervous because I'm starting my Freshman year in Highschool and I don't really know what to expect.

All day today I was so excited because my guitar was s'posed to be fixed and I was s'posed to go pick it up at 6:00 but the old stoner who fixes them called and said that it wouldn't be ready until tomorrow! I was like "Nooooo!" lol!

My friend G-knee finnaly broke up with her boyfriend after staying in the relationship for a while just so she wouldn't have to hurt his feelings and then today he called her and begged her to give him another chance and she did! I was all like "Your hopeless - and such!"

Well, anyways, I gotta bounce! Ja Ne!

Kati 11:10 pm

July 13, 2004 -
Today I went to the orthadontist (I'm not sure I spelled that right) and I found out that next time I go, they are taking my braces off! Now, you can't understand my overwelming joy until you know the whole story. You see, I've had my braces on for SEVEN YEARS and lately I've been very frustrated because my teeth looked perfect but they still refused to take my braces off so I've been cancelling appointments and such just to piss them off. Well, muh genious plan worked and they have decided to take my braces off and "turminate" our fellowship. ^^; So now I must rejoice with everything I have bcuz I hated my orthadontist with a passion!

On another, more unhappy note, my friend Jessica is in some otha, far away state visiting her cousins and I'm stuck here being bored with nothing to do. Yes, sometimes she bugs the living daylights out of me but she is still my best friend and I love her like a sister and I'm very bored with out her. :'(

Thursday and Friday night I'm going to spend the night with my gramma. I hope she takes me shopping even though she says 'Abrecrombie & Fitch' is too expensive and refuses to buy me anything there even though she knows that it and 'American Eagle' are my two most favortie stores in tha world! lol! O-well!

Well, I betta BoUnCe outta here and go do somfin' else now. I'm not sure when my next entry will be but it'll probably be soon. Have a nice summa! JA!

Kati 5:18 pm