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... Okay then. Welcome to the FAQ page, Siaarn decided we should control SOME page, altthough she's the only staff member left on the site, we just.. Hang around.
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Well maybe I'd do more IF SOMEONE WOULD HELP ME PAY CHILD SUPPORT D: *feeds a rock with a bottle*
Don't make me hurt you. Well anyway, if you have a question for Siaarn or Adam or any of the Digimon here, just e-mail Siaarn at Ankimon2000@hotmail.com and she will answer your questions, I'd give you Adam's e-mail address, but he might mistake you for some sort of rapist...
COBRAS....COBRAS! .... AHH! *rolls around*
Q.: How often will you update? ~Chad and Kendomon
A.: Whenever I feel like it, so I don't know. Random times. It could be every couple of days, or every few monthes, we'll see. It also depends on how many people send in stuff for me to add to my site, since I don't really have a story to update or anything, so yeah, fanart and such, the fanart page will be up soon.
Will there be stories? ~Sarah and Reecomon
I haven't decided yet. Adam has thought up a storyline for a possible story, but since he doesn't seem to be all that interested in helping with the site anymore(which is okay) I don't think he'll be helping with any stories. I'm not a good writer, I get horrible writer's block, so there probably won't be any stories, but I might change my mind, and if there ARE stories they won't be very good in my opinion D: